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Images in Shopping Cart

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    Images in Shopping Cart

    When I upload my website the logo, payment card images and the shopping cart buttons are not being displayed in the cart pages and the contact us page. Images are working ok in all the other catalog pages. The coloured bars are also not displaying in these pages.
    I have set the checkout pages and the view cart layout to the default Primary Template(with sidebar down the left) to match the rest of the catalog. The Generate CGI Templates box is ticked in Design Options/Misc.
    If I use the Browse Website button from within Actinic all the images display in the cart pages and the contact us page. But they do not display from another PC. I am using clean layout No3. The URL is
    I am using 1and1 for hosting and I have set the permissions at 755.

    Does anyone have any ideas how I can correct this?


    It all looks fine to me which suggest you may have a corrupt cookie on your PC.

    Two things you could try to fix it:

    1. Find the actinic cookie on your PC and delete it.

    2. Clear the session files within actinic (but note this will remove any active and saved customer shopping carts).


    First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



      Re:Images in Shopping Cart

      Thanks Mike for your reply,
      I did what you recommended but this has not helped! The problem appears on more than one computer. I have asked several people to look through the website. Most find that the images and the logo do not display. On a few including yourself, the images do display. The "contact us" form and the shopping cart are functioning as they should. This would suggest that the scripts are not corrupted. It's just the images and the colour bars that are not displaying.
      I have copied the images into the preview folder as I have read somewhere that if you embed the image names into Actinic that it may not find them when it is uploaded. Can anyone verify this?




        Hello William,

        I have just taken a look at your site and all the graphics are appearing OK, so obviously Actinic is finding and displaying them.

        If you have to upload extra graphics sometimes, it is as well to go to Advanced/Additional Files/ Browse and choose the graphics and Actinic will upload them to the Acatalog folder.

        Location: North Yorkshire UK


          Hello David,
          Thanks for your reply I have already put the graphics in the additional files folder. I have since discovered that when I view the website in Firefox all the graphics in all the pages display as they should. The problem seems to be when using Internet Explorer it cannot find the images in the cart and contact-us pages. Could this be something to do with permission levels (I do have them set at 755).



            Hello William,

            Again, I've found all your graphics displaying but I am trialling the new Internet Explorer 7 which is presenly in beta.

            I wouldn't have thought the permission setting would have an adverse effect on your graphics.

            Hope this helps.

            Location: North Yorkshire UK


              Missing images in cart and contact us pages

              Hello back again!
              The missing image path shows an extra subdirectory.
              E.G /acatalog/shop/example.gif. whereas the path to the images that are being displayed shows /acatalog/example.gif.
              As a test I have tried to create this subdirectory called shop into the acatalog directory on the server and put the missing images into it. The website will not function and I just get the 404 error message. Could this problem be related to the scripts as it works in one browser, but not in another. The cart and contact us pages are working functionally as they should, they are not displaying the images for the logo etc.
              Can I load in new scripts and where do I find them?.



                Network Settings

                The problems persists with the missing images and I think it may be due to my network settings around the cgi-bin paths. If anyone else is hosting with the 1and1 business package, would it be possible for me to get the settings that they use minus the passwords of course. If you don't want to publish your settings on the forum your can email me at

                Your help is greatly anticipated.

                Kind regards,



                  Network settings would affect all browsers. I have tried with IE7 and FF1.5 and all work fine. It sounds like a caching problem.

                  Perhaps it's some settings in IE that some people have setup differently on their PCs. Do all browsers show this problem on your machine?


                    Hello Duncan,
                    I only have IE6 on my own PCs. But I have had numerous other people with IE also reporting that the images don't display. The machine with firefox on it showed everthing and when we looked at the site through IE on the same machine the images did not display. When I visit other actinic sites I don't have any problems with images not displaying. To me it has to be something in actinic or the way it is set up in 1and1.



                      I and and many others on the forum are hosted with 1and1 without problems. If it's a server side issue then It would likely affect everyone, regardless of browser type.

                      What I did notice was that on your catalog pages the URL is:
                      but on the cgi-bin called pages (that you see a problem with) the URL is:
                      which doesn't have the 'www.'. Try checking you network settings again to see why this difference occurs.

                      Perhaps someone else knows why this is. I think there are other threads relating to this also that may help.


                        It looks like there could be a problem with your pathing. You have a folder called shop inside your acatalog folder according to the settings, and you are telling the pages to look there for your images.

                        The images are in the acatalog folder, where they belong. Try this URI to confirm that
                        while will give you a 404 error.

                        Try removing the shop/ from your settings.
                        Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
                        BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
                        Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
                        VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
                        Located: Alexandria, EGYPT


                          This forum thread may help with this:
                 post #6


                            Thanks Gentlemen,

                            For your help I put in the missing www. and I also discovered the mysterious folder SHOP, should have been 'shop.html' in a file on the server. Your prompts put me in the right direction.

                            Again thanks for your help.


