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SSL & Actinic

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    SSL & Actinic


    I am having problems when my customers go to checkout. They are seeing a message regarding my digital certificate that states that "the name on the certificate is not valid or does not match the name of the site" and are aborting the sale.

    As far as I am aware I bought a digital certificate from Easyspace when I bought Actinic and have tried contacting Easyspace and have not had any luck resolving the issue.

    Can anyone help me get rid of this message?

    Thanks in advance,


    it is a host problem as the cert is issued to

    Do you have your own SSLcert or is it shared?

    if it is your own then it should be issued to your domainname.

    If its a shared cert from SSL you'll have to ask easyspace, as I don't know how they issue shared certs.

    if you want a shared cert, you may be better off with Actinic's shared service


      Easyspace have now issued me with a merchant ID and merchant CGI BIN URL but I don't know where to enter this information in Actinic?

      My only payment gateways are Paypal and Nochex.

      Thanks in advance for your assistance.



        if you are using paypal and nochex you don't need an SSL cert asthese are external payment providers who take payment detals on their own secured servers.

        Notice the padlock in the status bar as you go to paypals secure server


          Hi Angela,

          I also have the same problem with Easyspace Shared SSL.

          First of all they sent me these settings to use:

          FTP Host:
          User: ######
          Pass: ######
          Accessed at:

          I've tried using this in the SSL tab of Network Setup but to no avail.

          Now they've sent me a merchant ID and merchant CGI BIN URL. The obvious place to put it in the Unlisted provider of the Shared SSL option under Business Settings. When I do this the checkout pages work but not securely (no padlock).

          Run out of ideas.
 - - -


            #4 you're a legend! That's it! I've unchecked the SSL box and the dreaded message has gone. It didn't occur to me that I didn't need to use the Easyspace SSL if I wasn't capturing payment details for inputting to a terminal here.


              John - are you capturing credit card details for later inputting, or are you using the same gateways I am? If you are on same as me, where you don't need the financial details, you can switch off the SSL box in business settings. If not, I still have no idea - but keep asking, as this has plagued me for around 4 months and I've been tearing my hair out!

