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Disappearing quick Search

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    Disappearing quick Search

    I have just noticed that the quick search box disappears when any search results are returned. I appreciate that the box may not be needed due to the inclusion of the advanced search form at the bottom of this page, but I would like to include it for consistency. I also know I can change the default front-page layout to not include the quick search box, but this change would affect other pages such as the terms and conditions etc.

    Is there anyway I can include the quick search in the results page, or is there a way that I can remove it from this page, without affecting the additional pages? (i.e. change the designs of the individual site map, contact and terms pages etc)


    Ladies Swimwear

    Hi there

    By defualt the search box is stripped out on the search results page.

    If you want it to appear on all the pages, you will need to remove the variable that pulls in teh search box (and which is also stripped out on the results page) and hardcode in the html code for the search box, this can be seen when you view the source on one of your web pages that contains the search box.

    I did the following and got it working...

    Edit act_primary.html with notepad, and search for NETQUOTEVAR:SIMPLESEARCH, and replace it with the following generated html code, therefore hardcoding in the search box on all pages.

    <div id="search"><table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0><form name=simplesearch action="" METHOD="GET"><tr> <td valign=middle noWrap align=left> <input type="TEXT" name="SS" size="23" maxsize="125" value="Search Term" onFocus="this.value='';'#FFFFFF'"> &nbsp; </td><td valign=bottom noWrap align=left> <input type="image" border="0" name="ACTION" src="quicksearch.gif" alt="Go!"><input TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="PR" VALUE="-1"><input TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="TB" VALUE="A"><input TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="SHOP" VALUE="trlshop17290"></td></tr></form></table></div>
    Hope that helps


      ... I would be inclined to use James' code but remove the <table> tags as this is sitting inside a <div> with it's own ID (which you can then specify in the actinic.css) ... doing away with another nested table

      SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


        Thanks for the advice guys - i'll give it a try

        Ladies Swimwear

