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About to put my foot through my PC

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    About to put my foot through my PC

    Hi all. I've been looking through the forums and have read numerous pdf's from the download section for 2 weeks now and i just dont get it.
    This is what I want to do.
    I want to add ecommerce to an existing website. On the first page of the catalogue I want to put the customers products in thumbnails. Then you can click on the image to go to a description page.
    This description page will hold the add to cart and other menus to select the required choices. But I also want to add a flash movie to the top of the page. Goto for a example screenshot. I cant get to grips with these 'netquotevars' to manipulate the design to my own custom design. And I cant add the flash movie. I know this design question keeps coming up but it seems to be sooooo complicated.
    Any help would be appreciated

    The layout you want can be achieved if you use a seperate 'section' for every item you want to sell. The 'section' thumbnails which you provide, will show on the main catalogue page, and each 'section page' will have just one product, with an add to cart button.

    If you right click on the main catalogue page in the folder tree on the left of the Actinic screen and select 'new section page', enter a description for that page and select the small image you have prepared for your first product as the image, then click on the Meta tab and insert your mets description and the keywords for that page. (The image file should first be saved to the Actinic Site1 folder).

    Then you right click on that section page and select 'new product'. Add the details of the product etc.

    Repeat for each product.

    To get the same swf file to play on all pages, you would add the code for the swf to the base template (which should be Act_Primary.html), to have different swf for each page, you would need to create a CUSTOMVAR to hold the name of the swf and set the value of this CUSTOMVAR by adding it to the properties of each page - OR - use fragments to hold the swf (right click on the section page and choose 'add fragment'.

    A search on 'flash' here on the forum should turn up working embed code and how to add that (either in the template, or in a fragment).

    Just take your time and get the first one set up, it's all downhill after that
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      Thank You

      Thanks for your ever so fast relpy. I will try this today and post the results tomorrow.
      By the way, has anyone thought about starting an Actinic tutorial website. There seems to be some professionals here and this kind of resource would be invaluable to other Actinic members.
      If your interested, I will donate Unlimited Lynux Hosting space and Data transfer/bandwidth for the website, and even supply a control panel for someone to monkey with the features. Email me at if you are interested.

