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Redesigning section/product layout

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    Redesigning section/product layout

    Dear All

    I think it was Socrates who said that the only thing he knew was that he knew nothing - I know the feeling.....

    I'd like to redesign our section/sub section/product layout pages, and I felt ready to do it until I searched through the forums....

    One thread mentions this site:

    I like the layout where products are listed with an "info/buy" option, but where you can click on the image or the link for more information, to read reviews, email to a friend etc and again buy from the link.

    I'm thinking this may be a one product per sub section layout but I'm getting bamboozled.

    Our current layout is section/sub section then all the products listed under a subsection, for instance:

    I think it would look more professional to list out the products but with a smaller image, one line description, with a more info/and buy option, but be able to click on the image for a more detailed description, and again be able to add to basket. We're also added a link to a feedback form and an "email product to a friend" (also picked up from these fine forums).

    I may have missed a thread on this, but I'd be grateful for any pointers in the right direction.

    One last thing, (this isn't meant to be a crawly thing but I rarely post so I'll say it now) - I read these forums avidly and they've helped in countless crises, so thanks to all who make it such a great community.

    Thanks very much,

    Gifts and products for the wellbeing of mind body and soul

    Don't think that site is done with Actinic but you can do something similar using Actinic. v7 would make life much simpler but you can do it in v6 also.

    The list is simply using a trimmed down product template (you can edit the Act_Productline.html template) to create a compact layout ... check out the v6 Design Guide - seem to recall there is something in there about compact product layouts. The "more" link then clicks through to the main product whcih as you rightly say is on it's own page (1 page is a section or subsection inside Actinic).

    The only issue in v6 is you can't have the same product ref - I have got around this previously by using ref: item1 and item1a where item1a is the trimmed down compact version and points through to the full item1. V7 allows duplicates and does away with the need to rename in this way (worthy of the upgrade alone IMHO)

    That site uses the same button link for the more and buy rather than being able to add to the cart from the trimmed down list (once clicked through several products did not have an add to cart button)

    Originally posted by Margaret
    I think it was Socrates who said that the only thing he knew was that he knew nothing
    but how did he know that?

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      Originally posted by jont
      Don't think that site is done with Actinic but you can do something similar using Actinic. v7 would make life much simpler but you can do it in v6 also.

      The list is simply using a trimmed down product template (you can edit the Act_Productline.html template) to create a compact layout ... check out the v6 Design Guide - seem to recall there is something in there about compact product layouts. The "more" link then clicks through to the main product whcih as you rightly say is on it's own page (1 page is a section or subsection inside Actinic).

      The only issue in v6 is you can't have the same product ref - I have got around this previously by using ref: item1 and item1a where item1a is the trimmed down compact version and points through to the full item1. V7 allows duplicates and does away with the need to rename in this way (worthy of the upgrade alone IMHO)

      That site uses the same button link for the more and buy rather than being able to add to the cart from the trimmed down list (once clicked through several products did not have an add to cart button)

      but how did he know that?
      Thanks very much John, I'm scurrying off to my dreamweaver/notepad/design guide as we speak - I'll let you know how I get on.
      V7 sounds more and more like a necessity as well......

      but how did he know that?
      he didn't.....

      Gifts and products for the wellbeing of mind body and soul


        Originally posted by Margaret
        V7 sounds more and more like a necessity as well.
        v8 is on the horizon so may be worth holding fire (although if you check with Actinic sales you should be entitled to a free upgrade to v8 if you go with v7 now)

        SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


          Hi - the next version of Actinic is still quite a few months away so there won't be any free upgrades available for quite a while yet.

          In the past we have only offered free upgrades to the next version if someone buys the current version after the next version had been formally announced (if that makes sense).

          Just wanted to clarify that.

