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    I am a complete and utter novice and have just started to 'play' with Actinic V 7. I have uploaded what I have done so far to my own web server and have been told by persons accessing my site that they cannot view the department listings. I cannot find any fault on my computer where I have the master site - probably because everything goes through the same router.

    Can someone have a look at:

    and perhaps tell me what I have done wrong. This site is in its very earliest stages and everything is very basic. A big thanks to anyone who can point out my error.

    Hello Charles,
    Welcome to the community, I am relativity new myself and still a novice.
    It looks very much like your URL is not pointed to your actinic site. When you enter your URL into your browser and hit return it should look something like
    The file name Index.html or something similar can be found in Design|Options|Site Defaults.
    On your hosting server you should have a root directory with two folders one called acatalog and other will be called cgi-bin. There should be another file possibly outside these two folders that will have something like the following
    code in it:
    <meta HTTP-EQUIV="REFRESH" content="0; url=">

    The last filename should be the same as your site default filename.

    If you don't find any of the above on your hosting server, then maybe it is your network settings that are not correct.

    Hope this is of some help to you!



      Thank you!!

      My thanks for the swift reply William. As I am away for a couple of days I will not be able to put into action any of your comments - but it has given me something to think about and work apon when I return. Your comments and help are appreciated.


