situation: currently im doing a section whereby customer will select their body shape to make a clothes.
i have created a product and the relevant radio butoon choices, used "User Defined" to include the images of the body shapes for customers to see.
problem: as i have alot of these body shape "products" and each products has at least 3 images, the page scroll will be quite long. to reduce the page length, i would like to arrange the choices user defined like 3 per row instead of 1 per row.
is there anyway of doing so? i did try out but couldnt get the results i want so decide to post here. hope anyone could help me. thanks
situation: currently im doing a section whereby customer will select their body shape to make a clothes.
i have created a product and the relevant radio butoon choices, used "User Defined" to include the images of the body shapes for customers to see.
problem: as i have alot of these body shape "products" and each products has at least 3 images, the page scroll will be quite long. to reduce the page length, i would like to arrange the choices user defined like 3 per row instead of 1 per row.
is there anyway of doing so? i did try out but couldnt get the results i want so decide to post here. hope anyone could help me. thanks