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Your Price and Customer Logged details

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    Your Price and Customer Logged details

    Hello everyone!

    Hope everyones doing ok!

    I am having a problem with two things but both are sort of related.

    Heres what I have done:

    1) I have set up a customer with discount of certain % off each product.
    2) I have just one add to cart button on each page.

    When I log on as the customer and add to cart while the quantities are 0, it shows me:

    1) Retails Price AND the customers 'Your Price' below it.
    2) Just above the breadcrumb links, I see
    Buyer: Paresh Mistry | Account: Whistle Ink | Logout

    I want it to show both prices and the customer login details all the time just normally!

    I can pm login details if you need it.

    Any help very much appreciated.


    Hi Folks,

    Can I just ask how long it takes on average to get a reply? I’ve not had a reply to this post and wondered:

    1) Do actinic support reply to posts which haven’t been answered after a certain time?
    2) If I have actinic cover, can I just open a support ticket and ask the question?


    Whistle Ink

    (Not having a pop or anything – I’m just an impatient sod that expects instant replies to everything!)


      Hi Paresh,

      Actinic's community is a user's or peer to peer forum, Actinic support will only kick in and reply if there have been no posting for two working days. If you have Actinic cover, I would suggest you call support directly for a quicker response.

      Regarding your issue, can you please give a link and a dummy 'user name' and 'password' as I am unable to replicate it on a default site.

