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Hosting Actinic Shop

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    Hosting Actinic Shop

    Hello All

    I,m trying to host actinic 7 site on my own server and than transfer the published site to another server.

    it works on my server but it doesnt work once on the other server, the links to the other pages do not load and something else pops up.

    i have tried changing the url but nothing has changed.

    the reason for this as i,m a student and working at actinic at the moment.

    i use the labs in the uni and than back at home to finish the tutorial and vica versa.

    Please Advice me on this as i,m new to actinic.



    I don't think you can transfer the site, you have to upload it again to the new server. So once you've got the new network config details - enter them into actinic and it will upload to the new server.


      Note you can only upload to one URL - you can transfer the domain between servers but that will get messy with the DNS. If you have user permissions you can install on a local server for testing purposes.

      Links can be relative to the URL as provided in the network setup.

      SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


        thanks guys

        its a real pain if you wanna do work at home and than back in the labs to do it.

        is there any way around it


          Use the 1 live server / URL and simply transfer a snaphot between the 2 computers to keep each up to date and current

          SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


            Originally posted by jont
            Use the 1 live server / URL and simply transfer a snaphot between the 2 computers to keep each up to date and current
            thats what i though i,m doing but is not working for me, could you please elobrate on this in detail.

            well what i got so far


            my server which holds actinic7

            i do have my own url registered to me so when thats typed it should take you to actic site or other site thats in the server.

            i,m trying to make actinic my primary site, work at it at home and than work at it at the uni labs.

            were realy suppose to do it in the labs only as we uploaded to our uni server from there.

            the trouble is that once its published on my server thats it, i tried taking the published files to the uni server it view the main page once you try to navigate to the other pages you get URL is messing and i can see that the url directs to my server once you hover over it.

            i have included my settings. which is also included in my snapshots
            Attached Files


              You can't take the published files from one location to another. To manage the same site from different locations you would need Actinic software loaded on both computers, then you could transfer a snapshot from one to the other.

              You also cannot maintain one Actinic site on two servers at the same time without changing the network settings each time to suit the server you wish to load to. You are also only licensed to publish on one server - although I presume one of them could be considered under test.

              I presume that you cannot upload to the server at Uni when not on the Uni network but I would've thought that could work on the development offline, whilst not at Uni, then continue online checking again when at Uni (or visa-versa). Thew Actinic previewing should allow you to do this.


                Any chance of using a laptop - this would solve all your problems


                  @ drounding

                  actinic is loaded on both pcs, once you take a snapshot it takes the settings with it, thats fine as i dont mind if i update it and modify it from both pcs. problem is that the uni pc wont let me access my server.

                  and also understand that i cant maintin one site two servers with out changing the settings although i did that i did run through some errors.

                  and ys your assumption is correct i cant upload to the uni server outside of the uni.

                  is there anyway i could host actinic at a cheap server or even free

                  and can maintain from any machine.

                  or even work from any machine and update to my server.

                  the above post of mine has my settings.

                  and i wish i did have a labtop but thats no good either.

                  any ideas will be great


                    Originally posted by drounding
                    You are also only licensed to publish on one server - although I presume one of them could be considered under test.
                    This could be an issue as the first time you upload the software registers the hosting URL with an Actinic database - if the same license is used to host at another URL this will trigger alarm bells and possible legal action.

                    At the moment the Uni server is not a live URL as such so will be OK - you testing server is now the registered site for your license!

                    Does the Uni server allow you to run and insall the various scripts needed for Actinic? Check out the Advanced user guide on installing on a local server as there may be something that has been missed or you may not have permissions to run it.

                    Do you actually need to run on a server when at the Uni? If it is just template changes etc these can be viewed offline - it is things like the cart, search etc that require a server to run the cgi scripts.

                    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


                      yes the the uni server allows for scripts to run, and yes we do as we update the site after each tutorial and upload it to the server, the last tutorial was using the shopping cart and downloading orders.

