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Change delivery address for account customers

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    Change delivery address for account customers

    Hi folks

    I'm sure this can't be done, but thought I'd make 100% sure before I sit in the corner and cry

    Is it possible to allow logged-in customers to change their delivery address (i.e to a work address) but not allow this as a feature for the casual buyer?

    I was hoping to offer this facility only to account customers but from what I can gather it's either "on" or "off" for everybody!

    Ditto with the coupon code box - would like it available for account customers, but not for the casual buyer (bit pointless for them as they won't be targetted with discounts/coupon codes). Seems you can only have this as ON (unless presumably you take the whole coding out which means nobody sees it).

    If I'm correct in my thinking that it's an all or nothing situation as actinic stands, has anybody who is obviously far cleverer than me made actinic do these sort of things? (Or more precisely, could anybody?)

    Not that I use customer accounts but under the customer account under the Buyers tab against the delivery address there is a radio button "allow user to select or enter address" - have you tried using that option?

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      Hi John

      Yep, I've got this selected on every customer account.

      When you get to check out, there is no option to change the delivery address.

      The site is defaulted not to allow a different delivery address, but I thought with customer accounts you could override this setting so that *only* registered customers would have the option (which is what we want).

      Ditto coupon codes - methinks I asketh too much as usual Just hoping there might be some clever bod out there who perhaps has done something like this themselves or who might be able to make it do as it's told!


        Could some kind bod please put me out of my misery and let me know whether this is an "all or nothing" scenario? And if so, has anybody been able to customise it so these 2 features are only available for account customers - surely I can't be the only person who would want this?

        It's really holding up our launching customer accounts so any news (even bad!) would help us in deciding what to do next - thanks all.


          Both the options unfortunately are either all or nothing ones. Let em check if it is possible to do what you want.

          Kind regards,
          Bruce King


            Hi Bruce - I dreaded as much

            When you say "let em check to see if it is possible to do what you want" do you mean actinic will check or I should carry on pleading for somebody who might be able to do this?

            Not being a techie I don't know if this is a relatively simple job or whether it's a big job best left alone because it's likely to break something/everything!


              I think Bruce meant to say 'let me check'


                I did mean to say "Let me check". I have tried out several things and have asked development for feedback on this and it is not possible to have these two options visible only to account customers.

                I will add this to the wishlist for you.

                Kind regards,
                Bruce King


                  Thanks guys for looking into it - what a shame! I'm amazed that I can be the only person who would want these two features to be available with a bit more flexibility as a it seems quite logical - thank for adding it to the wish list though.

                  Back to the drawing board.......

