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Drop Down Menus

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    Drop Down Menus

    Does any one know how to incorporate drop down menus into V6 so that they will be updatable through Actininc Catalogue.

    Norman Rouxel has written Nortree to do this see for more details.

    Jan Strassen, Mole End Software - Plugins and Reports for Actinic V4 to V11, Sellerdeck V11 to V2018, Sellerdeck Cloud
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      Also, code for simple section drop-downs (controlled by JavaScript) is available to copy and paste from the Advanced User Guide.


        Norman's Nortree application is excellent. It’s free, easy to use and customise. Available at

        Well done Norman!


          I have never managed to gett he drop down menus fromthe user guide to work. I always get an error message saying "sections" is undefined.
          any ideas?
          also when i tried the nortree menu thing it made the site run really slowly so i took it off, any reason why this would happen?


            Originally posted by redstarline
            I have never managed to gett he drop down menus fromthe user guide to work. I always get an error message saying "sections" is undefined.
            any ideas?
            also when i tried the nortree menu thing it made the site run really slowly so i took it off, any reason why this would happen?
            Have used current version of NorTree with V.5 & V.6 with no problems whatsoever. It is fast & reliable. The client's sites have about 20 sections and only one section has a sub-level at present. Instructions were followed to the letter. Maybe your situation is different and it caused an error (can't say really). I did use my own method previously using JS & Layers. Just thought NorTree was better. Hope you get something sorted!


              I've used it for years on a 140 section site with no problems. The time taken to load the menu is more than made up by the ease that customers can navigate the site.

              The only thing I've seen that really slows Nortree up is if you use background images for the cells.

              In this case Internet Explorer seems to download the image repeatedly for EVERY cell in the menu (not just the visible ones). Yes. Nothing wrong with Nortree or HV_Menu (which it uses) - just another IE buglet. The solution is, of course, not to use background images.

              If you had a huge site (thousands of sub-sections) you could also replace the Arrows list with 3 empty strings and this would speed things up a little.

              Norman -
              Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                just starting to use the nortree thing, is there anything i should know about using it in frames? two vertical ones...
                to be honest i doubt it will work, nothing i try with actinic does.



                  Originally posted by redstarline
                  just starting to use the nortree thing, is there anything i should know about using it in frames? two vertical ones...
                  to be honest i doubt it will work, nothing i try with actinic does.

                  See new thread Nortree cascading menu & frames it might help you to locate info req.

