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Merge Error

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    Merge Error

    I am a little puzzled as I keep getting the error message - 'An error occurred while sending the merge request' when I upload to my web site. Despite this message it seems that all additions and alterations that I have made have been successfully uploaded.

    Is this something I should be worried about? I have read most of the previous postings about this subject and it seems the consensus that this is a common error with actinic. Much of the advice given I have also followed yet this message persists. My apologies if this appears a 'stupid' question but I am still almost a complete novice using this and am still in the 'experimental' stages despite actually being 'on line' with my own server.

    Hi Charles,

    Trust me your question is a complex one to answer. But let me give you an idea of what exactly happens during the upload process from my understanding with working with the software and I could be wrong.

    During the last stage of the upload process, "Merging incremental updates at the web site" there are a few large data files (search index, customer account details) which need to be checked for changes and uploading the complete file can prove time consuming. So Actinic uses to compare the file on the server with the new ones and makes only the necessary updates. So during this time Actinic needs the proper permissions on the files "inside" the cgi-bin folder and also for the .fil files inside the acatalog folder. Sometimes it would all work fine and suddenly stop working. This happens if you do a purge and refresh and the files inside the cgi-bin and acatalog take default permissions lower than the permissions required for Actinic to update correctly.

    Actinic has already updated the changes you made to the site in specfic in the earlier stages of the upload before it gets to merging incremental updates where it fails and give the merge request error.

    So check the permissions of the files "inside" the cgi-bin and the permissions of the .cat and .fil files inside the acatalog folder. It should be a minimum of 755 on a linux server and the permissions settings are slightly different for a windows server.

    Also check the community thread

    and especially post number 14 for which u'll find the direct link below.

    Hope this helps a bit and resolves the issue eventually.


