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Section Link Layout - Custom Templates

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    Section Link Layout - Custom Templates

    I am having a real blonde moment maybe?

    I am creating a Online booking tours site ..

    So far ..

    Because I only want one holiday per section I have created top lvl called

    Scheduled Tours -

    - This holds sub sections for each month

    Each month section holds sub secions for each tour

    Each tour holds 2 products - one used for description only and one used for the booking ..


    Right so thats how the site is working .. Reason in brief without the top lvl section called secheduled tours .. Each sub month section is displayed in navigation .. Way to long, messy with some products/tours having quite long names - so span multiple lines in the nav ..


    Back to

    As you can see I have added text for depart and return which is just put in the description box .. plain text ..

    "Price: £139.00 per person" - this is a custom var ..


    I edited the template "Standard - with image on left of text aka Act_SectionLine.html" to include my customvar - and as you can see it works well


    Problem is the custom varible appears on my top lvl section


    So I assumed now I just needed to duplicate my Act_SectionLine.html and remove the custom var and give the page a new name and select it in 'section link layout' for my top lvl section ..


    It doesn't work .. it doesnt matter what template i used in that section it always displays what ever february <first sub section from it>

    If I change feb to use my new template with out the custom vars then the top lvl auto changes to that template and all the rest remain right


    So can anybody tell me where I am going wrong ..

    ps ignore sites other elements ie layouts/navs because I want to get the guts right before i fuss on the look ..


    I know if i were to drop the top section and manually edit the nav then it wouldnt be a problem .. or if i were to drop my custom varible and manually put in the price .. however this site is being handed over to a client so therefore I need to make this site as user friendly as possible and use the custom var because actinic can apply the right style without me havint to show the client how to bold font .. what ever ..

    many thanks in advance ..
    s a b b i e t a g e d


    A wise Monkey never monkies with another Monkies Monkey ..

    Under the Top level Section "Scheduled Tours", can you check to see if the 'Use as Customvar' option is ticked , if it is, you can delete it, or simpler still delete the property from the section, but you can use it on the sub sections.

    Kind regards,
    Bruce King


      thanks for reply but ..


      The scheduled tours does not have any properties activated .. the grid is empty ..

      The text . Price: <space for customvar> per person .. is in the actual template .. (for february)

      the problem i have is im telling scheduled tours to use a different template but for some reason is using the one thats applied to feb ..

      scheduled tours - section link layout: Name and description only - no image

      february - section link layout: Standard - with image on left of text

      Although scheduled tours is being told to use the template i assigned to it .. its using the template for february ..
      s a b b i e t a g e d


      A wise Monkey never monkies with another Monkies Monkey ..


        here is the code ..

        right here is the code for each template ..


        the template thats selected for scheduled tours contains this html ..

        <!-- SectionLine HTML begin -->
        <!-- Insert HTML for the beginning of a section title -->
        <span class="actxsmall">NETQUOTEVAR:SECTIONTEXT</span>
        <!-- Insert HTML for the end of a section title -->
        <!-- SectionLine HTML end -->


        The template that i have assigned to February (sub catagories) has this html



        <TD ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP">&nbsp;

        <TD ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="top">
        <p><span class="actxsmall">NETQUOTEVAR:SECTIONTEXT</span></p>
        <p class="actxsmall"><strong>Price: CUSTOMVAR:TOURPRICE</strong> per person</p></TD>




        So the problem i have is although I am telling 'Scheduled Tours' to use the top example above .. its using februarys (sub catagories) bottom example above
        .. and it is defo set to use the right template because i have just gone to layout and then edit on both and given the exact code ..
        s a b b i e t a g e d


        A wise Monkey never monkies with another Monkies Monkey ..


          Ok, that is actually working as you have asked it to. My assumption is that you have a Main section called Scheduled Tours, within which are sub sections For the Months - Feburary etc, and then within this sub-section there are the sub-sections for the particular tour.

          If this is the layout I would suggest doing the following...
          1) Set the section called 'Scheduled Tours' to use Parent,
          2) Set the sub-sections 'February', 'March' etc to use 'Name and Description only - no image'
          3) Set the sub-section within February for example 'Paris' to use 'Standard - with image on left of text'

          Try this and let me know if the display issue resolves.

          Kind regards,
          Bruce King

