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Featured product on brochure page

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    Featured product on brochure page

    Hi there

    am building a shop in developer V6.1.2, I'm able to add featured product using the fragment method but I'm struggling formatting the brochure page, everything just sits under each other.

    I would like to have a 2 column grid with 2 or 3 featured products down the right hand side on top of each other and the rest of the other fragments on the left, quite a simple idea but how the hell is it implemented?

    Help please,


    To achieve this you would need to produce brochure fragments that opens a table with two TD cells, then another fragment with the first TD cell and appropriate NETQUOTEVARs, then fragment and then another fragment for closing the table.

    An example of a similar solution where the entire fragment is created and then the information populated using custom properties can be found at:

    So, a knowledge of raww HTML code for table elements, TD's and TR's in a certain order within the tree of fragments will do the job you are after.

    Hope it helps.......


      Thanks at Technoweb (sorry don't know your name)

      Indeed one does have to treat the fragments as parts of an overal html document or rather a table with cells. On fragment opening a table and cell and consequent fragments continuing the TD cells, finishing off with the closed </table> in thefinal fragment.

      A bit complicated, just one of those Actinic idiosyncrasies I suppose.

      Thanks again, Garry


        More than welcome....

        Reason for no names is a number of different people could answer a question from within Techno-Web Ltd, so we keep it generic and seems to work here and in other areas.

        All the best...

