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Other Info functionality better on Actinic Express??!!

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    Other Info functionality better on Actinic Express??!!

    I am a bit miffed as I have just noticed that Actinic Express has better basic functionality on its "other info" and Date fields than my Actinic Multi User!
    I notice that the other info prompts can be optional to customers, also you can have up to three other info boxes and two extra date fields. These are things I have been wish listing for ages.

    Is Actinic slowing development in its core products to invest in its online version I ask myself?


    Check out Normans Multi Info Prompts donationware patch over at as this allows multiple boxes and allows them to be optional

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      Is Actinic slowing development in its core products to invest in its online version I ask myself?
      I can assure you that this isn't the case, and there has been a large amount of investment in our core product range, alongside the Actinic Express development. You'll start enjoying the benefits of this later in the year.

      The reason that other info/date prompt functionality is different in Express and Actinic Catalog/Business is that Express was written completely from scratch so we had the opportunity to make a few basic improvements to the shopping cart functionality in Express for a minimal amount of effort. The same changes in Actinic Catalog/Business are a much larger amount of work due to having to re-write the shopping cart perl scripts and all the offline ordering functionality.

      Hope this makes sense.

