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Adding images Not in the right place!

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    Adding images Not in the right place!

    Hi all,
    I am new to actinic and have spent the last 2 months building my site. all is going well and just touching it up ready for launch!

    However i have a problem. I want to include a logo on my welcome page. This is an image that i have made up from photoshop. but when i add it to my Welcome page it is slapped in the middle and all my text is pushed over to one side, and i think it looks messy.

    I am using the standard curves template from actinic ( I have NO programming or HTML skills). And there is tons of empty space to the left of my text, so i thought of adding the logo there, i use the default otion of image to left of text and title and bingo, it pushes everything over!!

    How do i adjust the positioning of the image?

    please if you are going to give html can you make it clear, cos i don't understand any of it.

    Thanks greatly


    Biggest mistake most people make when posting in here is not to provide the web address. Always include it or put it in your signature so we can take a look.




      Hi, thanks for replying, um the site isn't launched yet. so you can't actually er see it.

      Am i jumping the gun here?

      Basically i am starting up from scratch, selling around 2000 products and just want my site to look good. You know after all the hoo-ha with google pay-per-click, web hosts, and updating the site and sending sales e-mails and linking to other sites etc the last thing i want to be doing is having to tinker with the site.



        For me personally and i guess at least some others, its nice to have your site loaded up to the eventual domain or a test domain, so you can see exactly how your customers will see the site.

        Once its loaded onto the web, we can take a look at your site and view the code you want to change and advise accordingly.

        It will also help when trying to explain what you want to do, being able to visually see the problem rather than have to imagine it, can mean more people will be able to help and a faster solution may be achieved.





          Thanks for your help.

          So how do i go about launching a test site? Please note i am totally new to this kind of thing.



            To put the image in the left hand side of the Home page on a site with the 'Curves' theme, in Actinic go to Advanced | Template Manager. If this brings up a box with a blue border and images, click on 'Change View' to get to the 'Template Manager' view ( grey, tabbed and boxes ). Here click on Brochure | 'Primary', and this should open Act_BrochurePrimary.html in notepad ( by default), if you have Dreamweaver you can select it as the default editor.

            In Act_BrochurePrimary.html look for the following bit of code by clicking on Edit | Find
            <td width="200" valign="top" align="center" background="pxl_black.gif">&nbsp;
            Change this to read
            <td width="200" valign="top" align="center" background="pxl_black.gif"><img src="x-video.gif">&nbsp;
            Replace x-video.gif for the name of your image. Make sure the image is available in the Site1 folder.
            So how do i go about launching a test site?
            Guess a good place to start would be to get a domain and some hosting space and then uploading the site to check functionality.

            Kind regards,
            Bruce King


              Thanks so much! ok going to give it a bash!

              um, i know thins is a stupid question, and i am going to regret the answer. but should all my images be in the "site1 " folder?
              because they aren't and there is close to 2000 of them! and if i move them to site 1 folder is that going to mess everything up? and um, gulp, will i have to add the folder from the new destination of site 1?

              Sorry to be a pain, but i am on the steepest of learning curves here, but having fun at the same time!

              kind regards silky


                hi bruce, tried to look for the line of text using "find" wit notepad and it can't find it. so maybe it's the template i am using? which is "curves" on version 7

                Any ideas?


                  Hey Hey! It worked! Fantastic!!! Thanks very much!

