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Script Error

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    Script Error

    Hi, now the basics of actinic but need help with the following problem:

    An Error has occurred in the script on this page.

    Line: 42
    Char: 1
    Error: 'sections' is underfined
    Code: 0
    URL: file://C:\Program Files\actinic v7\Sites\Site1\PreviewHTML\P_index.html

    Can someone please help me with this as it takes ages to make changes to my site as everythime i click on a section this message appears.

    Many thanks


    Hi Paul,

    This error is a result of one of the javascript (.js) files on youre site, or some embedded javascript. I've looked in the standard Actinic scripts (actiniccore.js and actinicextras.js) and can't find anything that might have gone wrong. If you've been editing the template files you might have left an error in there.

    The only way we're goinig to get a look into the problem is if you upload your site to somewhere we can see the files.

    Alan Compton


      Look in your template for a line that reads


      If you find it, check back in the HEAD section of the template for this code

      add that line just before </head> if it is not there.
      Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
      BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
      Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
      VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
      Located: Alexandria, EGYPT


        a mate of mine tried to change the homepage to show just the section titles and not all the sub sections as i have loads on the site.

        but it hasnt worked and i still get the error message.

        I tried adding the code above but that gave me 2 error messages so i have changed that back.

        Please help, i dont know where i can up load the site too, but if any one can help i can give them hosting login and then change the password afterwards



          a mate of mine tried to change the homepage to show just the section titles and not all the sub sections as i have loads on the site.
          this is where the correction needs to be made, ie in ACT_PRIMARY on your PC.

          I suggest you attach a copy of this template to this thread then we can identify the problem and correct it

