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Question about Act_Sections.js

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    Question about Act_Sections.js

    Hi ppl,

    I know that this file is generated on the fly and contains an array of my sections. However, what I want to know is how this array is written on the page. See, when I view the source of my page, I see that each section link (i'm using text only, btw) is written within a table, and I don't like that; I want them written in DIVs. My layout is css-driven and I don't like the way Actinic keeps on writing tables everywhere. File sources are a real mess. So, back to the topic: where can I find the place where the actual html is generated and the written? Or do I have to write a new javascript function that will take care of writing the code I want to see?

    Hope I'm clear enuff. TIA


    You will see at the top of your templates that Actinic references two Javascript source files, actiniccore.js and actinicextras.js - that is where you will find the functions which create the html.
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      Act_Sections.js creates an array called sections. Look at your Primary Templates for JavaScript that uses sections (probably as a parameter to a function call). Locate that function and amend it to suit.
      Norman -
      Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


        Thank you both for taking the time to answer.
        I actually did my homework before posting anything to this community and I did it (post) as a last resort. I carefully examined all templates, viewed the javascript files, and there's nothing that can show you how the tables are being written, no function calls, nothing. Only by viewing the source can you see that the links are placed in tables. What writes these tables? Not a freaking clue! These tables don't come neither from the templates nor from any javascript. I even deleted the Act_sections.js file from the site1 directory and it does not even get regenerated when I preview the pages! Best part is that the list of sections is still written to the html page.
        The only help I could find is in the advanced guide when "they" talk about Including Section Lists with JavaScript. It's informative but it does not explain why I have these goddamn tables.

        I miss php.


          I just tried to answer your question regarding Act_sections.js.

          Perhaps you're not using these arrays at all. As you've not given us an URL it's a bit hard to know exactly what Section Links you're talking about.

          Perhaps you're looking at the ones that are generated by the Actinic application (usually these appear in the centre content area). These are controlled via Act_SectionLine.html (there are several possible files depending on Theme). However, some code around these is generated by Actinic in order to let you control the number per line.
          Norman -
          Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


            PS. Any code you see via View Source (or looking at the file on the server) can't be created by client-side JavaScript. If it was you'd simply see the JavaScript, not the generated code. So it's very likely it's static HTML you're looking at.
            Norman -
            Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


              I came to that conclusion as well. But I have yet to discover where this code resides. If it's not in the templates, then perhaps it is in some arcane Actinic sub-sub-sub option or somethin'



                Im trying to getrid of the tables as well and hitting a brick wall If you find the answer I will be very interested to see it. The only solution I have at the moment is to hard code the links but that is then difficult for a client to add sections etc.


                  ok, I understand why it writes the damn tables.
                  Go to design > options and look at the 3rd box where it says section list configuration. There it asks you how many columns you want on the first line. There's the table!
                  Even if each section's name is on a different line, it gonna write a table for each entry.
                  Putting 0 in each field won't work.


                    These are generated by the application but the fragments of HTML used are in Design / Text / Goto / Phase -1, ID 1187, 88, 89 & 90. See the V7 Advanced guide (It's not in the V5 one but this area is identical in V7) and search for 1187 for more info.
                    Norman -
                    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                      perfect. Thanks Norman.

