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Favourite actinic template (theme)

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    Favourite actinic template (theme)

    Hi all,

    After spending ages flicking through the actinic templates and only finding 2 that I like, and only 1 that views to my liking, im just wondering what other forum members think about the various themes included in the package ?

    Do you have a favourite, please dont dont all shout 'smart' at the same time.
    Do some view better, load quicker or get more response than others.

    There is a favourite sites thread so why not a favourite themes thread

    Kind regards,


    I would put my money on the Smart and Best Sellers themes coming top of the poll as these seem to be the most in evidence out on the net. Interesting to see the range of themes available on the Actinic Express site

    The "clean themes" are not really themes as such IMHO but are a good starting point for designers wanting to create their own design and layouts.

    Some of the older themes are now looking very dated - hopefully v8 will bring out some new themes for people wanting a new and easy face lift to their site.

    Alas my vote goes with Smart (clean themese don't count) which 2 years ago looked very fresh but has dated a little - although with some simple mods and clever use of colour can still look very good

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

