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Search - How to set an "order by"

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    Search - How to set an "order by"

    Hi All
    Currently evaluating Actinic V6 and I am puzzled...

    Because the site I am trying to create has lots of items +10K, it needs to be driven by the search facility not section. However, each search can return 100s of results that seem to come back in no particular order!?

    Is there a way to configure the search screen to set an "order by" option? like Price? Section?

    Any help here will make a big difference to my evaluation...



    It is not possible currently in Actinic to order the results in any particular way. I have added this to the wish list so hopefully this will make an appearence in a future release.

    One thing you can do with Actinic Business (and Developer) is you can create 'Searchable Properties' (i.e. custom search fields) within the 'Properties' tab of a product and then do custom searches on these. Read more in the Help in 'Search Settings | Searchable Properties Tab'


      Thanks for the reply & adding this to the wish list

      Can you create 'Searchable Properties' with Actinic Catalog? if so do you have a list of all the valid parameters and their meaning you can use e.g. PR is PRICE, SS, TB, ...?

      Does the order in which you import the catalog affects the order in which the products are listed in each section (page)?

      Thanks in advance...


        Searchable Properties are available in Actinic Business, and not in Actinic Catalog. They allow to assign custom values to your products and then set up how Actinic searches on these custom values.

        With regards to all the fields you talk about in the search tool,
        SS = search string (i.e. keywords)
        TB = whether keywords are joined with 'and' or 'or'
        PR = Price range
        SX = Section

        For an in depth guide to customising the Actinic search tools, check out the Advanced user guide.

