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Thanks for all your help - here's site if anyone has any views ...

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    Thanks for all your help - here's site if anyone has any views ...

    Just a quick note to thank everyone for their help (some in particular have been just wonderful - you know who you are!).

    The site is now live and so any comments would be gratefully received. (please bear with some images our catalogue photoshoot is next week and these images will make a huge difference).

    I am a total novice so any comments need to be in girl speak so I can understand.

    Thanks again to all wouldn't have been possible without this site ...

    Chief bunting supplier to Take That!

    Only two things readily apparent to me - text is a little on the small size (especially looking through Firefox web browser), fine for me but others could struggle to read it easily. Also, the top links disappear when checking out - it is good practise to keep your menu static throughout the entire site, if nothing else but to let people keep shopping!

    Other than that, I think its a really effective, simple to nagivate and pleasing site. Well done

    EDIT: Oh, I would also make sure to include some information (possibly logos) on the homepage about your available payment options. If customers can readily see how to pay, they are more likely to stick around.
    Web Development, Actinic Patches, Scripts & more


      The same as above. The main text font size is too small in Mozilla (not that bad in IE). I know you can click your Logo to go back to "home" but it only works in the catalogue pages. It maybe worth while making it clickable on every page and change the alt text to say "Click for Home page" or something.

      Re' The search:

      Is there a way of me getting to "advanced search" without putting a search in the box first.

      If I use a keyword that doesn't get any results I dont get the option of an advanced search.

      I don't know how many items you will have but a search for "bed" comes back with everything with "bedroom" in clocks shelves etc.

      Hope this helps.

      Nice site BTW


        I think:
        will take you there.



          I get this bug on your sites advanced search (fixed update 706)

          "When you search for product duplicates, but only search by price range, you no longer receive an error message saying 'the website is probably being updated'."


            Thanks everyone

            Sorry it's taken me so long but thanks everyone for your comments. Some of the terminology for the search errors is a bit over my head but I'm working on it!!!

            Thanks again to all for their help and comments over the past 6 months

            Chief bunting supplier to Take That!


              Well Done

              I've been using Actinic for around 6 months so am new to it too. I like the spacing and font colour on the options (left hand side). How did you do change the default. Mine looks to bold and messy

              Stardust Funky Kids T-Shirts


                Hi ya

                For the colours I went into design and changed the colour for links - the colour used here is the web translation of our logo colour.

                For the spacing I went into the brochure primary template and edited the section where it calls these links in and added a <br> to put an extra space in between each section link.

                Hope this helps - thought your site looked cool. Loved the punk vests shame you don't do bigger sizes my 9 year old would love them.


                Chief bunting supplier to Take That!

