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Using a Customer Data Entry Field to select a component

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    Using a Customer Data Entry Field to select a component

    Hi there!

    Does anyone know what i need to do to allow a customer to enter data into an optional component field (text box) to select the product they want.

    For example, rather than offering 26 component choices to cover options A-Z is it possible to allow the customer to type say D in a text box and then separate with a comma for additional choices. So if they wanted a product with choices A,F and H and two of each, they would enter A,F,H in the box and then quantity 2.

    If not is there a tidier way of displaying 26 components than one below or next to each other?

    Any help would be appreciated.


    Welcome Andy.
    I know it's not ideal and maybe there are ways using js, but you could add a note in the description for the customer saying that they should add the letter they want to the basket and then return to add any additional letters they would like. Then you would only need to have one combo selector and a quantity box. Otherwise what if a customer wants 2 As, 3 Bs and 1 D?


      It might help if you describe what you are trying to sell and how the options relate to it.
      Norman -
      Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


        Thanks for the advice,

        Please do bear with me as I am still learning the basics!!

        Problem i have is trying to keep the customer interested without complicating things too far with additional instructions for them to follow as we plan on a large site with lots of products. We currently have loads of size and finish variations for them to choose from so really need a solution for this one

        Our site is

        We sell door furnishings, and are trying to list Door Numbers and Letters, which go A-Z and 0-9. The product code remains the same as does the price, I really just need an empty box (or ideally 2) where someone can type the letter and submit to checkout.

        Thanks again.



          P.s Thank you duncan, the idea of 2 boxes is thanks to your suggestion of multiple combinations!


            Sounds like you need a box for the customer to type what they want (name and number). Then some js to read the letter count and update the quantity box, the box used for typing the message will need to be passed through with the order.
            In the sample site in Actinic the 'bunch of flowers' shows how to do the message box - you will need to find out how to the js for the quantity box update and letter count.
            Maybe someone else knows how to achieve that part...


              Excellent!!, thanks Duncan.

              I remember seeing that text box for customers own message!, that'll do it.

              Thanks again!.



                You've not explained whether the customer can choose 1, 2 or several letters / numbers per product without changing the price. A bit more clarification (perhaps with some examples) would help.
                Norman -
                Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey

