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Template manipulation problem (files attached)

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    Template manipulation problem (files attached)

    Hi everyone, catalog came through yesterday and i'v been trying to sort out a problem i'v been having with the act_primary design in dreamweaver. Basically i want to flip the design so that the links, logo are on the left hand side and the content is in the right side of the table. As i'v found so far it isn't as easy as it looks. Can anyone maybe give me a hand? It might only take someone a couple of minutes, and it'd be doing me a huge favour. Attached is a screenshot of the right hand side as it is (in layout terms), and the act_primary file. Look forward to hearing from anyone, James
    Attached Files

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    You seem to have chosen a Theme that is the opposite of what you want. It would be easier to start again with a theme that is closer to your needs.

    E.g. Design / Themes / Specific Designs / Best Seller

    or one of the Clean Layouts
    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


      Thanks for the advice norman, and yes you're right i'm much happier with the new blank layout that i used. HOWEVER, i'ts just dawned on me that i may well have wasted hours of design time on 'act_primary'. When i uploaded the site live, the act primary template appears in the exact same layout as i designed in dreamweaver. When i go to view cart and checkout however, the layout reverts to the original table layout etc...

      Is there a file similar to act_primary where i can edit the cart and checkout layout pages as a whole. Or any other solution to the problem

      Please can anyone help!

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        Act_ShoppingCart is what you are looking for. The advanced user guide refers to the Actinic Help - switch to Index and you will see all the templates listed with their respective usage.


          Look in Design / Options / Layouts / Primary Templates and you'll see the list of templates Actinic uses at various phases of operation. You can switch many of these to using your own Primary template.

          The idea in having all these Primaries is that you might not want people in the checkout process to have navigation that breaks them out of the checkout, etc.
          Norman -
          Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


            Thanks to both of you for your quick, helpful replies.

            Top designer brands at discounted prices, coming soon!


              You're welcome. Sometines it seems there's a bit of a race between a few of us to see who can type fastest ;-)
              Norman -
              Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                another slight problem i'm having is changing the background of any pages other than primary, when i upload the site the sections just don't have any background. The code for the background in 'Act_Primarycheckout' is

                body {
                background-image: url(background1.gif);

                Any ideas on what the prolbem might be?

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                  Hi there

                  The background color for the entire site can be changed within Design | Color and Palette Background. If you want to change the background color for a specific page then you can hardcode it within the template.

                  For example:
                  To change the background color of a section, you can edit the default overall layout of that section and just simply hardcode the html to add the background color.

                  <TABLE WIDTH="500" COLS="3" BORDER="0" CELLPADDING="10" CELLSPACING="0" ALIGN="CENTER" bgcolor="#993366">

                  I hope this helps.

                  Dhivya Malani

