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Search Template Currupt Message

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    Search Template Currupt Message

    Ok, I'm getting some results at last with

    My host ( - if you're interested) quickly responded to my plight with some settings and I noticed the paths to the cgi-bin were different. I have changed them and now some parts work, but the following still doesn't:

    1) Simple Search - I have had this message displayed, 'The Search Results Template is corrupt. No Search Results XML found'.

    I've looked in said template, but I can't identify the problem. Any ideas, anyone?

    2) View Basket button doesn't work... but checkout does (which is great!). Again, what could be the cause?

    Many thanks.

    Also, in the Checkout page why does the Next button take me back to the product (as the Back button does)?


      It sounds like there is a problem with your Act_ResultsTemplate.html template, yout 'Act_ShoppingCartXML.html template and your Act_OrderDetail.html templates.

      I suggest you copy a fresh version of these files from your 'Formats/Themes/BusinessCSS' folder into your 'Site1' folder and then upload. You may need to re-apply changes to these files.

      The problem with the checkout is that you have replaced 'Cancel' button with a graphic that says 'Next'. You need to check your customisations again, referring to an original copy of the template if necessary.


        Thanks for your suggestions, however it doesn't seem to work.

        1). The View Basket doesn't show anything despite having added an item to the basket.

        2). The simple/type search doesn't work (Search Template is Corrupt.No Search Reults XML found). It searches the site for words/matches, right? Do I have to input keywords or something?

        3). Regarding the 'Act_OrderDetails.html' page, which you refer to , I never seem to get that page. I only get to the 'Act_Order00.html' via the 'Checkout' button.

        Any help welcome and appreciated. I think these are the only problems stalling my progress and my client wanted the site up and running last month!!! Thanks.


          have you replaced the htm files that Chris refers to?


            Thanks, but yes I did. However, I've just checked the 'Checkout' phase and I've been taken to the next page along 'Act_Order001.html', so something's improved there.

            How come I can't display the 'Act_OrdeDetail.html' page?

            And what's up with the corrupt Search Template and 'View Basket' button not working?

            The link for 'View Basket' is ''. This is correct isn't it?

            thanks again.


              To be perfectly honest Wong, I think you need to rebuild your catlaog to work out where your errors are.

              I suspect that your customisations are causing the problems. And since we don't know what customisations you've made we can't help that much.

              I suggest.

              1 take a copy of site 1 put it somewhere safe. (very Safe)
              2 restore your installation to the default catalog. ie stationary store. upload it and test all the cgi works.
              3 copy your actiniccatalog.mdb into this working copy. upload and test.
              4 bring your customised templates back in one by one to see whcih template is causing the errors. (start with act_primary)

              Long winded, but safe!!


                I don't know whether to laugh, cry or jump off a cliff.

                Thanks, I suppose I'll have to try your suggestion, before I call the professionals (which by the way, what would be your rates to sort the problem out? Seriously, please email me). That's a call to anyone else out there too. My client is eagerly wanting to trade on-line and I may not be able to sort out this mess by myself.

                As far as I can see, all the important Actinic code is in my templates, so I don't know what I've done wrong!!!!!!

                Thanks everyone.


                  Sorry to be the bearer of such suggestions reflect what I would do in such a situation. Other people may have other ideas.

                  Unfortunatley (fortunately for us) we are very busy at the moment - why else am I working on a Bank holiday weekend? We are unable to help in a paid capacity our current clients and deadlines do not permit.

                  I hope someone else can contact you offering assistance

