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Pages were incomplete

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    Pages were incomplete

    I had a problem about a week ago when my upload stalled (due to internet connection problems) and I had to kill Actinic. I opened Actinic, everything looked good - I compacted anyway. The site was incomplete and cgi-bin page calls were not working - I had to do a complete refresh of the site and following this I can upload, seemingly, without any Actinic issues - HOWEVER...

    I have noticed two pages (so far) that were incomplete - the code just wasn't all there - for eg the RHS bar of the page was only half there for one page and worse on the other page - with some html code showing (viewing the source showed clearly that the page was incomplete). Other pages with the same template are OK.

    It seems that Actinic hadn't regenerated all the code for the page for some reason. If I changed some text on the page to force a change and then upload the page wasn't sent up - in other words Actinic wasn't recognising the local page change vs the server page. Even if I manually deleted the page then upload Actinic still didn't detect the page as missing and did't upload it.

    I unfortunately didn't think about checking in the SiteHTML folder to see if the generated page vs the online page was different. If I notice another page I will.

    The workaround I've been doing is to change the page name and then upload, then change the page name back and upload again - then all seems well.

    Has anyone seen this happen to them? Any ideas why this may happen?

    I'm concerned that it may happen again without me knowing.

    Duncan R

    Hi Duncan,

    I have passed this issue to development for them to comment on, I will update you with their comments.


      Hi Duncan,

      Actinic generates every page each time the site is uploaded, not just refreshed. Each file is generated in memory and compared with the file in the site or SiteHTML folder as appropriate and if different the new file is saved to disk.When uploading Actinic compares the file created date with the date in the FileList table and if the new file has a later date than the previous file then the file is marked in the FileList table that is to be uploaded.As you can see, Actinic does not compare the local file with the server file as this would mean that an update of just one file could take as long as a refresh because Actinic would have to fetch every file from the server to compare it.

      The FileList controls the upload,remove the record for the file from the fileList table then the file should upload.

