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Second Contact Us Form

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    Second Contact Us Form

    Is there a way to create a second Contact Us form with different fields? I've read the posts here on modifying the Contact Us but I'd like to keep it exactly as it is, whilst having a second form where people can sign up to our mailing list.

    Whilst the Contact Us would continue to have entry fields for:
    - name
    - subject
    - e-mail address
    - message

    I'd like the new form to have entry fields for:
    - name
    - e-mail address
    - opt in to my mail list
    - opt in to third party mail lists.
    This would need to generate an e-mail to me with the details and also an e-mail to the address opted in explaining that the address has just been opted in. This latter part is necessary in case someone opts someone else's address in to my mailing list, without the permission of the recipient.

    I'd also like, if possible, an opt out of maillist form.

    Is all this possible by editing a few Perl scripts?

    Thanks, James


    You can have an additional form but it will depend on what your host has available for you to use. Some hosts have for linux and a different one for windows servers. So I think you should find out from them what the action="......." should be in your <form> and what they support. In Actinic the contact_us form is in .

    Also have a read on this thread ... and this one

    Kind regards,
    Bruce King

