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SEO companies v DIY

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    SEO companies v DIY

    I have used a SEO company for some time now, but am not really that impressed with the results on the reports I get. They have optimized my index page only. All other files are within the 'acatalog' directory. Actinic seems to do a good job at putting key words where I want them and I have altered a few things and set up the site in what I think is the best way possible therefore I do ok with google.

    My worry is - if I drop the SEO company, will my results slip; What will I have to do to keep the site where it is; How much hard work is involved in manual submission; What programs will do the job (I only need UK submission).

    Any opinions appreciated.

    The wood burning stove specialists.

    Originally posted by fires
    I have used a SEO company for some time now, but am not really that impressed with the results on the reports I get.
    You and 90% of the people who uses them seemingly.

    Do a search on the forum for SEO as there are many lively debates about what to do, tips, tricks and advice.

    There is no work involved in manual submission as DO NOT SUBMIT anymore. If you are being spidered by the search engines then they have found you - over submitting can get you black listed. You only need to really focus on Google, MSN, Yahoo, DMOZ primarily and a couple of others but they will bring most traffic to your site

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      Erm .... without wishing to offend your SEO company can you let the forum know exactly what SEO work they have done to your homepage and their reasons for doing it? Just taken a quick peek and I am not entirely sure what you have paid for.

      SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


        You need to create a custom 404 page and add it to your additional files list under the Advanced menu in Actinic. This is where an error took me, and is not the message you want to send your customers.
        Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
        BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
        Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
        VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
        Located: Alexandria, EGYPT


          I'm certainly no expert but..

          Take a nosey at the source code for your homepage (domain homepage).
          Look at the <noscript> content - to top it the contained links just below the dictionary aren't valid.

          I'd certainly reconsider.


            Originally posted by drounding
            Look at the <noscript> content
            Makes you wonder how long Google et al will tolerate this abuse of keyword stuffing.

            This is a common ploy by some SEO companies which may work short term but has no real long benefits other than you will drop off after a while and have to pay the SEO company more monies to get you back up there again

            Wyn - the biggest favour you could do to the homepage is get some organic links on there. There is nothing other than 1 link "enter here"

            SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


              Thanks guys.

              I assumed the homepage work was fairly useless now. Do I really have to still focus on the index page or just make sure the actinic pages are relevant to the particular seach phases people use.

              I actually don't use the index page as it is just a gateway into the site which has the layout I want. I have thought about a forward to the main site page, but worried this might effect the site credibility. Could I do that on a timed action and make the homepage more meaty?

              The wood burning stove specialists.


                Yet another SEO rip off. This page employs many techniques that have the potential to get you banned from several of the major search engines. I would remove it from your server as soon as possible and relace it with an Actinic generated home page which contains good keyword rich content. In real SEO terms your homepage is the least important page the main ones are your product and info pages - you can find all the details in other posts!

                You are correct Actinic will produce very good optimised pages all you need to do is work out your keywords/phrases and ensure that they are in the title and the body of the page (very simplistic starting point). If you want to get into more depth then get hold of instal the demo software and if you have the time do their SEO course.

