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Shipping Surcharges

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    Shipping Surcharges

    Hello All,

    As an Actinic newbie I am trying to work out the best way of handling our shipping options.
    All our shipping charges are in bands by weight, a minimum charge is applicable to consignments below 10Kg, 10-20Kgs is charged per kilo and after this we charge at £x.xx per kilo + minimum charge over a number of weight bands (20-100,100-250, 250+). Currently I am entering a value for each kilo weight, which means I have to enter about 240 costs.

    On top of this we also offer the option of AM, Pre 10AM and Saturday deliveries, I would like to know if these could be added as surcharges to the basic price calculated above or if I will have to calculate another 240(approx) prices for each of these options?

    Any help very gratefully appreciated!


    Hi there

    I am afraid it is not possible to apply surcharges on top of the basic shipping charges. But you can create components each for AM, Pre 10AM and Saturday deliveries and set the cost within the prices tab so that these charges can be added in addition to the basic shipping charges.

    To do the above:

    Right click on the main product and choose 'New component' and name it as Normal delivery and tick 'Is Optional' tick box. Once done go to the 'Prices' tab and enter the additional cost in the Price column(for normal delivery you don't have to enter price so while selecting this option will calculate the basic shipping charges only). Like wise create new components each for AM, Pre 10 AM and Saturday Deliveries and set the Prices for them within the Prices tab. This will show them as checkboxes online and one of these can be added along with the product.

    I hope this helps.

    Dhivya Malani


      Unfortunately this will only apply to a single line and may not meet with approval but thanks for your help.

