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link with the bank

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    link with the bank

    I have a problem to link my site with the bank.
    On the end payment page, the customer can choose how he want pay and when he want pay by card, there is a link with the bank. But he don't run.
    Where in actinic can I change this?

    How is the link with the bank provided? Is it ePDQ? - you need to contact SecureHosting. Are you using a Payment Service Provider? - you need to select the provider in View | Business Settings - Payment and Security - to add a provider from the list, click the plus + in the top left of the payment provider table.

    If your payment provider is not listed, they will need to contact actinic, buy an integration package and create an integration script you can use.
    Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
    BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
    Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
    VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
    Located: Alexandria, EGYPT


      In fact, when I click on the bank's link to pay , any page is open. Whereas when, I remove on the code all of the variables, arguments (in red):
      <A class="cblien-rouge-b" HREF='JavaScript:PopupCentrer("../acatalog/cb.php?a=NETQUOTEVAR:THEORDERNUMBER&b="+totapaie+"&d="+prempaie+"&e="+deuxpaie+"&f="+soldepaie,750,560,"menubar=0,scrollbars=yes,statusbar=yes")'><font color="#800080">Réglez par carte bancaire, avec notre liaison sécurisée, en direct
      avec la banque &gt;&gt;<img src="sec.png" align="absmiddle" border="0" width="81" height="20"></font></A>
      and I test, I arrive an the CB.php but it say that I don't have this arguments : URL_SERVEUR

      So I think that I have a problem with my arguments. No ?


        Originally posted by wjcampbe
        How is the link with the bank provided? Is it ePDQ? - you need to contact SecureHosting. Are you using a Payment Service Provider? - you need to select the provider in View | Business Settings - Payment and Security - to add a provider from the list, click the plus + in the top left of the payment provider table.

        If your payment provider is not listed, they will need to contact actinic, buy an integration package and create an integration script you can use.
        I used a payment service provider. But normally, I have an integration package but since I do modification , the link to pay online (to pay with the payment service provider) don't run/function.


          Run through configure method with your Payment Service Provider selected in the location I gave you before, and make sure everything is still correctly set up.

          If it is, can you get back to a snapshot of your site before you made any changes, and redo the changes, one step at a time, checking to see where the connection is broken?

          Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
          BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
          Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
          VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
          Located: Alexandria, EGYPT


            I find where I have a problem but I don't know enougth How can I resolve this.

            In fact, when I click on the bank's link, normally I arrive on the bank's server but I can not arrive on it because don't send argument. Moreover, my argument are undefined.
            So, I have to see why my argument are undefined on

            Can I see it on Actinic? (because it's on


     makes a call to an OCCScript to get the arguments. It sounds as though you are missing the correct script.

              Was this ever working with Actinic?

              Can you name the Payment Service Provider so we can give advice that relates directly to that provider.

              As an example, using Protx, one has to make settings in Actinic using the configure button mentioned above, a couple of edits in the OCCProtxScriptTemplate, increment the number in OCCUpgrade.ini and restart Actinic.
              Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
              BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
              Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
              VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
              Located: Alexandria, EGYPT


                Originally posted by wjcampbe
       makes a call to an OCCScript to get the arguments. It sounds as though you are missing the correct script.

                Was this ever working with Actinic?

                Can you name the Payment Service Provider so we can give advice that relates directly to that provider.

                As an example, using Protx, one has to make settings in Actinic using the configure button mentioned above, a couple of edits in the OCCProtxScriptTemplate, increment the number in OCCUpgrade.ini and restart Actinic.
                It was working with actinic before I refresh my site and update it.

                When you say Payment Service Provider, it's the bank?


                  Do you have an old snapshot from when the site was working?

                  If yes, you can open this with versions of Winzip prior to version 9 and look at the individual files inside the snapshot.

                  You would need to find a file where values are assigned to the arguments in red in your ost #3 and copy that assignment code into the correct place in your new installation.

                  It might be easier (and safer/more secure) to go back to the person who installed the payment option the first time and ask them to come and repair it.
                  Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
                  BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
                  Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
                  VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
                  Located: Alexandria, EGYPT


                    The problem is that I can contact the other person who do the link with the bank.
                    Where can I have a complete explication/document which explain how doing the link with a bank's server?


                      Actinic sell an integration kit for One Thousand Pounds Sterling, but even if you successfully buy that, you then need someone familiar with the internal workings of the bank system to give you the other half of the story.
                      Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
                      BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
                      Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
                      VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
                      Located: Alexandria, EGYPT


                        Now I know who is my Payment Service Provider : it's Cybermut.

                        I explain enough my problem :
                        - I refresh my site because we pass to the version 7
                        - then I update my site but then we could not buy on it. Because, the date format was incorrect, my Shopping Cart XML was undefined...
                        - then I succed to resolve this problem
                        - but now I can not access to the bank server. The link don't function :
                        <A class="cblien-rouge-b" HREF='Javascript:PopupCentrer("../acatalog/cb.php?a=NETQUOTEVAR:THEORDERNUMBER&b="+totapaie+"&d="+prempaie+"&e="+deuxpaie+"&f="+soldepaie,750,560,"menubar=0,scrollbars=yes,statusbar=yes")'><font color="#800080">...</A>
                        The argument NETQUOTEVAR:THEORDERNUMBER is correct. I have his value.
                        But the other don't recup the value.
                        <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">


                        document.write("<div align='right'><font face='Arial' size='2' color='#800000'>Soit un prix à payer de <b>"+aujourd+" Euros</b> aujourd'hui.</div>");
                        /* document.write("<div align='right'><font face='Arial' size='2' color='#800000'>Soit un prix à payer de <b>"+reduc+" Euros</b> au lieu de "+chaine+" Euros</div>");*/
                        <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">

                        Well, I don't know if the problem come from my Payment Service Provider or if because I modify something on the code (actinic page) when I realize an update.

                        Thank you to help me .

