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Fixing the Background image

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    Fixing the Background image

    Im new to the actinic software, but finding it really good, and easy to use.
    ive found out how to do most things i am wanting to do, but need help on something.

    How would i "fix" the background so that it does not scroll.
    much like the css property "background-attachment:fixed"

    i am using a theme that does not uses a css file, (if it makes any difference) i dont know.

    any help would be greatly appreciated - even where the background image properties are stored outside the software.


    Bash - Surfboards, Longboards, Wetsuits and Accessories.


    Can you post a link to where this is happening please. It would be helpful to know what you have in Design | Options | Site Defaults - against 'Background'. If you have selected an image for the background and it is in your site1 folder you should not have an issue with the background scrolling.

    Kind regards,
    Bruce King



      Hi, thanks for the responce but i dont think we are thinking about the same thing.

      The problem i am having is that when a baground image is used, say for instance i use a image that is 32 x 32 pixels, when the content on the page gets larger the image will start to tile downwards to accomidate for the space. The image i am using in 800 pixels wide so fills out the site i am creating, what i dont want it to do is tile downwards when the content gets larger. I would like the image to stay "fixed" at the background and the content to scroll over the top. This is possible in standard HTML code, so i was wondering if there is a file somewhere that holds the baground image html tag - as the background image settings does not give you any options or parameters.


      Dan - Surfboards, Longboards, Wetsuits and Accessories.


        Why not simply attach your own stylesheet to the various primary templates you are using (Design | Options | Layout) and you can add your own styles accordingly?

        Note you may need to tweak the <body> tag in the templates to remove any features you are placing into the CSS

        SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


          I have managed to do it.

          The parameters for the bgimage are stored in "act_primary" inside the body tag, it references using NETQUOTEVAR:BGIMAGE and then goes on to list parameters. I just put directy after the NETQUOTE... [bgproperties="fixed"] and it worked.

          Cheers for the help.

          p.s. -As far as i can see, Firefox does not support this code.
 - Surfboards, Longboards, Wetsuits and Accessories.


            It might be easier (and solve your Firefox problem) to remove the NETQUOTEVAR:BGIMAGE from the <body ... > tag and add your style to the body definition in actinic.css.
            Norman -
            Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey



              Hi, thanks for all the help, ive got it all sorted now, cheers.

              Does anyone here use the "nortree" plugin thing to make a java menu, if so, ive got it working fine for my catalogue but how would i get it working also on my front page.

              I have put the menu into the act_header file and the home page is referencing that file so i dont think there is any real reason that it shouldnt work

              any help would be awesome


     - Surfboards, Longboards, Wetsuits and Accessories.


                I don't use it myself but have you checked the paths to the files? all the other pages sit in the /acatalog/ folder and the homepage will sit beneath

                SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


                  hmm, where is the /acatalog/ directory?

                  The act_header file just uses a labeled div tag and the menu seems to put itself whereever that tag is, it does this fine for the catalogue, but not any of the other pages.
         - Surfboards, Longboards, Wetsuits and Accessories.


                    The 'acatalog' directory is on the server, you will have to FTP to the server to check out what Jont says.

                    Kind regards,
                    Bruce King

