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    I have just set up protx on my site and it is sucessfully collecting the payment according to protx admin but the the page just goes onto error 404 page not found is there somewhere in actinic where i tell it the page to go ie success or fail reciept etc. it works ok when i put send card details separatley...

    would be gratefull for any help


    Hi Doug,

    Do you get the 404 error after putting in the credit card details or when returning to your site? What I need to determine is if you are still on the Protx server or coming back to your server when this 404 error occurs. I'm afraid that I can't test it unless you put Protx into test mode as I would have to put a real credit card number in and we are not allowed to do that.

    is there somewhere in actinic where i tell it the page to go ie success or fail reciept etc
    It should all work automatically so there is nowhere in Actinic to do this.


      I've had a quick look by going through checkout, getting transferred to Protx then cancelling the process. This should redirect you to another Protx page with a button allowing you to return to the checkout page of your store. The fact that the internal redirect on Protx is failing this point indicates a problem at their end.

      Have a quick look in the address bar when you get transferred to Protx. Does your correct vendor id appear in the url?



        I've had a quick look by going through checkout, getting transferred to Protx then cancelling the process. This should redirect you to another Protx page with a button allowing you to return to the checkout page of your store. The fact that the internal redirect on Protx is failing this point indicates a problem at their end.
        I've just tested this and it worked ok for me. Can I assume that this is working ok now?


          Protx security issue ?


          thanks to all who posted their comments

          to all those who were follwing the thread, i have an issue which i feel people should be aware of with protx

          i discovered when trying to figure out the problem i had with protx redirecting a purchasser back to my store and to a receipt page after having their card authurized and getting 'error 505 page cannot be displayed'.

          The problem was due to the encription code having a lower case 'p' in it where it should have had a 'P'. This is concerning as i went through the whole test proceedure and then onto a live envoironment, took payments an refunded payments with no problems ! Could this be a security issue ?

          Anyway having discovered this a correcting it protx then strangly enough started directing customers back to my site and to a receipt page !!

          I have informed protx of the issue.

          Again thanks for all the help but at the end of the day it was down to a typo !!!!


