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Nortree cascading menu & frames

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    Nortree cascading menu & frames

    The readme.txt mentions a file called install-frames.htm but it is not included in the zip file. Any chance anyone could send me a copy as you probably have guessed I am having problem getting the menu to work with frames!


    You missed the link in the readme.txt to:- where the definitive info is.

    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


      okay i have done what it says inthe instructions, on the preview it says the menu is ready but it does not appear! where is it?


        I don't know. You've posted no URL so I can only guess. Perhaps it dislikes frames as much as I do and is hiding. I did use frames briefly on one occassion about 6 years ago but never since.

        I'd suggest trying the standard HV_MENU demo from the digital drive site and getting that to work on a simple test page using the same frame structure as your site. Once you've achieved that try the same thing on the Actinic / Nortree site.

        Norman -
        Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


          After carefully looking at the java code, I discovered what the problem was. The variable FirstLineFrame, SecLineFrame & DocTargetFrame are initialised to 'self'. If you remove the 'self', the code works out what frame it is running on... And the menu then appears as expected!


            I have now a new problem, the menu is not working out the address of the section html page correctly!

            I have looked at nortree_menu_create.js and the array is being loaded with calls to http://MyEcommerceWEBsite/cgi-bin/ss...tml&NOLOGIN=1. If you call this, the 'ACCESSORIES' page from the Actinic catalog does get loaded.

            But is confused because:
            > I am working with frame
            > My web site will be split on 2 servers: the GenericInfoWebSite and the MyEcommerceWEBsite. On a page, there are 5 frames being used, 4 from the former site and 1 from the latter.

            In this set up,
            > if you call from the search screen for example it works.
            > But if you do it from the nortree_menu, it prefixes the /acatalog/Online_ACCESSORIES_1.html with the GenericInfoWebSite URL not the MyEcommerceWEBsite despite both being in the same frame.

            If anyone has any idea how to fix this I would be gratefull.

            Also in, how do you enable the filelog & LogData? It would help me to understand what is going on...

            Thanks in advance for any help


              ....and your frames are loaded from DIFFERENT systems...

              Well I'm sorry, but I haven't the time or inclination to attempt to fix this.

              As I remember it Nortree reads the URL's from the Actinic created Act_section_tree_URLs.js file and passes these in to the menu. These are fully formed URL's so they should work.

              Also leaving the frame variables empty doesn't sound right to me. I'd re-read the Frame info.

              Norman -
              Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey

