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Simple question.....

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    Simple question.....

    Where do I go to change the banner on the Catalogue page ??...I changed it on the home page but it didn't change it on the Catalogue page..

    Also, on the catalouge page i have links under the banner (Site map. Contact Us and terms and conditions) do i get them to appear on the home page in the same position ???

    Thanks guys....



    your banner can be edited in act_primary, go advanced/template manager/main/primary..... as opposed to advanced/template manager/broucher/primary for the home page..
    Gary Simpson
    Replacement blades, drills and cutters for your power tools.....



      design/options/shop defaults/corporate logo..... you can simply replace this image with one of your choice....
      Gary Simpson
      Replacement blades, drills and cutters for your power tools.....


        Ahhh.....Thank-you, I have spent days looking for that

        any suggestions for the 2nd question ??.....Putting the links under the banner ?
        Last edited by Seanix; 11-Mar-2006, 12:24 PM. Reason: Doh !!!....Spellling mistake



          The Navigation buttons are brought about by the variable NETQUOTEVAR:HEADERGUIDE(Act_BrochurePrimary.html) on the home page and by NETQUOTEVAR:FOOTERGUIDE(Act_Primary.html) on the catalogue pages.

          You could inlcude the navigation buttons indivdually by entering the following variables into the Act_BrochurePrimary.html template immediately after NETQUOTEVAR:HEADERGUIDE...

          Info button - NETQUOTEVAR:NAVBINFO
          SiteMap button - NETQUOTEVAR:NAVBSITEMAP
          Contact Us button - NETQUOTEVAR:NAVBMAIL

          More info on this can be found in the Advanced User Guide article for "Inserting Individual Navigation Buttons" on page 14.
          The guide can be found at the below link.



            I'm using the Best Seller theme and I also have been trying to get my Site Map, etc., to display on the Home page, so I tried Robert's suggestion, but it only inserted the button text on the left hand side. After a bit of trial and error, I managed to achieve it, as follows:

            I copied the following from the Act_BrochurePrimary.html:

            <td background="top_bar.gif"><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
            <td width="168" height="26">NETQUOTEVAR:NAVBSITEMAP</td>
            <td width="167">NETQUOTEVAR:NAVBMAIL</td>
            <td width="168">NETQUOTEVAR:NAVBINFO</td>

            and inserted it into the Act_Primary.html at the end of this section:


            It worked for me and hopefully will be of help to others.

            I do have a bit of a problem with alignment. If you take a look at my site, you'll see that the banner is hard up against the left side. Can anyone suggest how I can align it with the left hand menu table?





              With tables it's a nightmare - the simplest solution is to add a little more white background to the left of your logo to shift it over

              SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


                Hi Jont,

                Thanks for replying but could you be a little more specific? Where would I go to do this and how?

                I don't have a great deal of experience in either Actinic or HTML, so would appreciate your help.




                  Do it in a grpahics package such as PhotoShop or PaintShop etc ... by adding in more white background to the actual image (to the left of the RED5 text) it will still start in the same position with no further HTML coding but the RED5 text will appear to start further to the right

                  SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


                    attached is a quick example - as you can see the "R" is starting further over that the original - I have left the background grey so you can see the effect
                    Attached Files

                    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


                      OK, I'll try that.

                      Thanks again,



                        Hi Jont,

                        I'm not sure that this is going to give me the effect I'm looking for. I don't want to only move the logo slightly to the right. I would like to have the whole top section, including the Site Map button, aligning with the table below.

                        It looks like I need to change the table settings after all. Do you think it would be easier to move the menu table hard over to the left, to match the top?



                          Oh ok ... you can add a spacer image to the code as follows:

                          <td width="168" height="26"><img src="spacer.gif" alt="Red5 Audio" width="10" height="1" />NETQUOTEVAR:NAVBSITEMAP</td>

                          where width="10" can be adjusted to ensure the alignment.

                          spacer.gif should already be in the site folder and is a transparent image used to pack tables

                          you may need to adjust the "td width" to accomodate the extra space needed

                          SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


                            Hi Jont,

                            Sorry to be such a pest but you're dealing with a real 'thicko' here.

                            At first, I couldn't find spacer.gif, but I tracked it down in the Curves theme and copied it to my Site1 folder.

                            I assumed you were suggesting that I insert

                            <img src="spacer.gif" alt="Red5 Audio" width="25" height="1"

                            into the Act_Primary.html file, just before


                            I tried that and also tried altering the width values, but nothing changed in my preview.

                            Am I literally on the wrong page?

                            Any further help would again be most welcome.



                              You may also need to place a copy into the PreviewHTML folder as Actinic does not always pick up the image - consequently you may need to tell Actinic to upload to the site under Advanced | Additional files.

                              You will need to add the code to all the main templates that you have in use (Design | Options | Layout)

                              SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

