Since the breadcrumbs are sitting inside a table that is 500 pixels wide, you cannot put a 780 wide graphic in there at the moment.
The product title (and the desription) is being pushed off to the side for the same reason. The graphic beside the title is 312 wide - laving only about 180 for the title and text.
You could change the table width (look in Act_Primary for a fixed width of 500 and if not found, look at Design | Options - Site Defaults ACTSTDWIDTH) and see what that does to the layout of your other pages.
Then make a choice between changing the design, creating a bespoke Act_Primary for this one section - and perhaps alienating customers with 800 x 600 resolution (who would be forced to scroll sideways) or keeping a wide ACTSTDWIDTH and having the whole site require horizontal scrolling on old hardware.
I have now reduced the 760x180 header image to 498x118. If I edit the Baby_and_Child_Care.html file in /SiteHTML folder and insert the header image with <img src=""> within the 500 pixel table it gets removed when I upload the file.
The easy way to do this is add a text only fragment and paste the <img src code in the text portion of that fragment inside !!< >!! Actinic HTML indicators.
If the fragment disappears to the bottom of the page when you add it, click on it and drag it back up and drop it on the page name. That should bring it back to the top.
To center the graphic make the code !!<<div align="center><img scr....></div>>!!