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Search Terms as HTML files

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    Search Terms as HTML files


    I want to create html files with products as per a customers search term. i.e. if I type in "151" I want to create a html file with all results that come from that search, with the file called "151.html" and then add that to the sitemap somehow.

    This is so that google takes into account filenames etc when it is spidering my site.

    I have seen that we can use the search.log to find out what people search, but wondered if there is anyway I could use a 3rd party app to get this all together?

    Any Ideas?



    this sounds a little strange, unecessary and even wrong. You should not have any pages in your site that users cannot reach using your navigation.

    Search engines should be able to follow that same navigation and find ALL your pages. The usual way to do this is include a link to the sitemap on all your pages. Your users will follow it, the search spiders will follow it.

    Creating extra pages that contain nothing but links and every link on the page showing the same link text certainly sounds like a recipe for disaster to me.
    Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
    BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
    Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
    VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
    Located: Alexandria, EGYPT


      If you look at the big sites they use exactly this method and thats why they place so highly in search engines such as google, it always helps to have a bigger footprint and more chance of a page having good hits on search terms.

      google and other search engines place big points on the url having matching search terms within them (with good reason - if you are looking for Apple Ipod and the html file has that title, then its likely to be quite a good indicator it contains information on that search).

      Actinic has good html names for things like the menu sections/sub sections etc, but for the inidividual items there are no specific files made. Even if it produced a "price list" with links to each individual page, it would be great.

      take a look at this: 3.2m pages, and a lot of them are things like estee_lauder, etc etc, heres a specific one just searching apple (600k results) -

      note: they also have folders that have search terms in so that adds value again...



        IMHO that sort of thing is fine if you are launching a web portal site. It may remain in the top 100 in some search engines for another six months, or another six minutes.

        If I find myself on that sort of page when I search, I use the back button, not the links. Anyone searching with a serious intent to buy will do the same thing I believe.

        But, it's your site. You do what you want to do with it.
        Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
        BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
        Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
        VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
        Located: Alexandria, EGYPT


          Me too! I can't stand it when I search for something and end up on one of these review sites.

          The way this would work is that when they click on the link, it would be just like they were on our site already and then using our own search.

          The page is basically a copy of the search results that actinic already produces, - if other people have searched our site with a specific term and results came back (if no results, then actinic wouldnt bother to make the html files) then theres a good chance that the customer will be happy that the page is atleast relevant to what they were searching for.


