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protx address checking

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    protx address checking

    I have ( quite painlessly!) integrated protx into one of my customers sites and Protx have granted live status. Everything appears to function correctly.
    We wanted to make sure that the billing address is checked against the cardholders address.When we put an order through using the owners credit card but filing in the address feilds in the actinic checkout page with random keys, the payment was still processed without an error message.
    the payment was accepted because the cvv number & card number were correct even thought the address was wrong. It is important to my client that the address is checked as well.

    my client has contacted protx who have given him some options for payment page templates in protx. Would the second option "address read only" be the best one to use in this case? I have pasted the options below.

    DEFAULT - The default payment pages will require a customer to enter their billing address when AVS/CV2 is turned on. If you supply a billing address and postcode, this is displayed and can be edited by the customer if there are mistakes in the address.

    ADDRESS READ ONLY - Like the default payment pages the address is shown when AVS/CV2 checking is on, but the address CANNOT BE EDITED by the customer. They will need to cancel and go back to your site to change their billing address and start again. This template should ONLY be used if you are supplying VSP with the customer's billing address from your own database.

    NO ADDRESS - Even when AVS/CV2 is switched on, the customer's billing address is never displayed and cannot be edited. This template should ONLY be used if you are supplying VSP with the customer's billing address from your own database.

    CUSTOM - If you have designed your own customised payment pages you can activate them by selecting this option. If you would like to create your own pages, please e-mail and the team will send you a kit. DO NOT activate this setting until your templates have been designed and uploaded or your customers will receive and error during payment.

    We have removed Protx for the time being until we can be confident that the address can be checked properly.

    thanks for any help in advance.
    Located - Sunny Kent
    A computer once beat me at chess, but it was no match for me at kick boxing.

    I don't know what you used for random keys but as far as I know the credit card address checking (AVS) only checks the numeric portion of the address. i.e. the house number and postcode. (and I'm not even sure it checks the whole postcode or just the numeric bit).

    If you didn't change those bits then the address checking wouldn't throw up an error.


    First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



      thanks - that's interesting didn't realise that only the numbers were checked. The postcode was not entered correctly so that doesn't explain the payment being allowed.
      When we looked in protx admin it said for that payment the address did not match what was on the card.

      We need the payment not to authorise or at least tell the customer to check & re-enter their details if the address is not correct,which is why I asked about if it's woth using the "read only address" option with protx
      Located - Sunny Kent
      A computer once beat me at chess, but it was no match for me at kick boxing.


        Changing to 'address read only' will just prevent customers from being able to edit the address on the protx page. It won't change the address checking.

        With most PSPs they send the information to the credit card issuers and they either approve the transaction with a response code or refuse it.

        the response can be anything from:

        - data not checked
        - cv2 match
        - postcode/address match
        - all match

        I'm not sure you can do what your customer wants with protx. i.e. refuse payment if the address code doesn't match.


        First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



          In your Protx Admin area you have flags you can set for how stringent you want checks to be. You can set transactions to be rejected if they fail AVS or CVV or .... and you can override with a global setting.

          But even if a transaction passes ALL the checks, you are still responsible for checking that it is not fraudulent. Make yourself a checklist of things to do before you process an order and follow it. As an example - I do a reverse phone number check on the telephone number supplied in the order, a street check and a whois on the email domain (though obviously not for the yahoo's and gmails and hotmails).

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            Got to the bottom of the problem Just in case anyone finds this thread with a similar problem - Protx needed some values inputting into it's rules set up.
            It now denies payments where the address is wrong - yay!
            Located - Sunny Kent
            A computer once beat me at chess, but it was no match for me at kick boxing.


              Just seen william & mikes replies - thank you guys you are both right - the admin area needed configuring.
              Located - Sunny Kent
              A computer once beat me at chess, but it was no match for me at kick boxing.

