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New Site - your comments please

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    New Site - your comments please

    Before I start...

    I just want to pass on a big thank you to everyone on this forum. I have found the support here to be excellent and quick!

    Just about ready to launch "stage 1" of the website. But before it goes live I would really appreciate your comments... please be brutally honest.

    The URL is

    It still needs a few minor things - like some more photos, but all the main parts are there.... I think


    Hi Remmo,

    the new site is a great improvement over the previous one I have seen.

    Couple of things as you asked for opinion:

    There is no "title" on the homepage. Normans script is in the wrong place when viewed under FireFox compared to IE. Why are you using the section text as part of the section image? This would serve better from an SEO viewpoint if seperate text - similarly with the shop homepage the fragment text is an image wher you really could do with some "proper" text to help search engines out a little.

    Your logo changes from the homepage to the actinic pages (as well as the page layout) ... from a corporate branding aspect best to keep the same logo on all pages

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      There are a few CSS errors. You'll see them if you view your pages in Firefox and use it's Tools / JavaScript Console.

      John has pointed out the NorCascade problem.

      Also don't forget to usee the Compact HTML/CGI option (Design / Options / Misc) before you go live.

      There also seems to be redundant code from my Product In Columns patch.
      Norman -
      Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


        Thanks for the replies.

        Jonty, the reason that I was using the section text as part of the image (I am assuming you are refering to the images that link to each section) is because I could not get quite the look I wanted and this was a quicker way for me to do it at the time as I wasn't thinking too much about SEO. Looks like I'll be changing it back .

        Ill also see what kind of additional proper text I can add to the cataloge index page as it is very plain, so thanks for that suggestion. And I'll see what the hexagonal background of the "logo" on the homepage looks like on the actinic pages to get more uniformity. I did choose for a different home page layout as to the other pages because I have some ideas that I want to try out... but they seem to be working their way further down my "to do list"...

        I'll also check the site out under Firefox as I've only been working with IE at the moment.

        Norman, thanks for your suggestions too. I'll check out the Norcascade problem and try to find the redundant columns code... I will be forwarding you some money for the NorCascade patch before I go live - is PayPal the only way you accept Credit Cards?

        Any other suggestions and comments will be greatly appreciated.

