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Server 2003 CGI-bin Problem

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    Server 2003 CGI-bin Problem


    I'm trying to get actinic 7.06 working on a server 2003 box (web edition) and I'm getting lots of problems with the CGI Bin.

    Currently when I run the test in Advanced Setup I get an error saying

    200000001011165 Unable to create a file in the web page directory - Permission denied

    Unable to create a sub-directory in the web site directory - Permission denied.

    When I click OK I then get..

    "The test script failed to execute on the web server. The error could be caused by several things. Check the path to the Perl shell, the CGI script extension, the path to CGI-BIN, and the CGI-BIN URL. This error could also occur if your web site is out of disk space or your web server is not configured to accept POSTs to CGI scripts."

    I've tried all sorts of setting variations and checked this site for answers but no look.

    Settings are:

    Catalog URL:

    Path from CGI: ../test2/acatalog/
    Path to CGI Bin: cgi-bin/
    Path to PERL shell: /usr/bin/perl

    Can anyone help shed some light please.


    :: University of Teesside -- Teesside Business School ::

    Are you using IIS as the web server, or have you installed Apache?
    Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
    BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
    Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
    VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
    Located: Alexandria, EGYPT


      IIS as the web server
      :: University of Teesside -- Teesside Business School ::


        You could check out this advice from the Knowledgebase (link in the top right corner of this page - look in V7, uploading - actinic on NT)
        The problem may be because IIS is trying to execute the scripts in the directory above the cgi-bin. The solution is to make the CGI-BIN a virtual URL instead of a physical URL.

        If your setup is:
        htdocs (
        /cgi-bin (
        /acatalog (

        You should change the server setup to be:
        htdocs (
        /cgi ( - virtual URL)
        /acatalog (
        Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
        BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
        Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
        VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
        Located: Alexandria, EGYPT


          Tried looking through the knowledge base already. No Joy.
          :: University of Teesside -- Teesside Business School ::


            Was going through the same thing myself yesterday - on a linux box.

            Try: chmod the cgi-bin to 777 (with absolutely no intention of leaving it like that!). If that works then it would indicate that your access permissions or login are not set correctly (mine were not). If this doesn't work then at least you know it's something else causing the problem.


              Tried looking through the knowledge base already
              OK, and you have also read the info in the Advanced User Guide - no help there?
              Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
              BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
              Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
              VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
              Located: Alexandria, EGYPT


                Thanks, tried both suggestsions.

                Something odd or very stupid on my part is going on.

                I can sit and watch as the acatalog folder gets created and that the two .pl files get moved across. Perl is running and I've given it permission also. Not sure what else to try.
                :: University of Teesside -- Teesside Business School ::


                  Well, apart from slinging the box off the side of the Transporter Bridge...

                  Can you check that the userid Actinic is running under has the correct permissions.
                  Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
                  BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
                  Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
                  VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
                  Located: Alexandria, EGYPT


                    It's too cold to go chucking off the bridge, when it warms up I think thats a good option

                    Tried setting up a site on my own space and I have full admin rights on the server and I get the same error.
                    :: University of Teesside -- Teesside Business School ::


                      Hi Craig,

                      I may be repeating what already has been recommended....

                      Check through the permissions one more time maybe starting off from scratch rather than just verifying if everything is correct. Following is the set of permissions you would need to check for.

                      IIS Permissions
                      cgi-bin = read/execute

                      NTFS Permissions
                      cgi-bin = Catalog's FTP account needs 'Change' permissions on the directory
                      acatalog = Catalog's FTP account needs 'Change' permissions on the directory AND the IUSR_<servername> account needs to have 'Change' permissions on the directory.

                      More info can be obtained from the below link which has the setup guide for IIS5 and IIS6 which includes detailed instructions of permissions to be applied.


                      On the setup guide for IIS6 (Page 27 of 33)there is a section on FTP User wherein you declare the home directory for the FTP account and the permissions allowed for the ftp account. Check if you have Read, Write and Log visits selected for the FTP site Directory.

                      Hope this helps in resolving the issue.


