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Secure Hosting Order Processing

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    Secure Hosting Order Processing


    We are having trouble with our order processing. I am using Secure Hosting to process our payments and it all seems to be set up ok.

    Upon recieving an order it is flagged as 'Pre-Authorized (PSP)' which is fine. We then authorize the payment in Secure Hosting and print off the invoice and mark the items as shipped. However at no point does the payment get marked as recieved. I thought if we authorized a payment in Secure Hosting and then hit the order download button in Actinic it would update the order payment stautus to 'full payment recieved'. This isn't happening....

    I have looked over the settings for Secure Hosting and the only thing i can change is whether a transaction is 'charged immediately' or 'pre-authorized' i assumed therefore leaving it on 'pre-authorized' would mean Actinic will reference the payment status from Secure Hosting and this is what I'd prefer.

    If someone could give me the heads up on whats likely to be going wrong that would be awesome.


    The only info from the PSP comes during the ordering phase and not later on within the PSP's admin panel, so you would have to go into the order and within the payment area and change it to completed, shipped etc etc.



      Thanks for the reply however i'm am still at a loss to understand how this all works?

      At present all our invoices print out with the payment staus set to 'Pre-Authorized (PSP)' now if its the case that Actinic doesn't recieve info from our PSP when the payment has been authorized i guess i have to change this myself. What i want is the payment status to read 'full payment recieved' on any invoices we send and within Actinics order management section. The order should then move to the completed tab. Which at present hasn't happened to any of our orders even though they have been marked as shipped, invoices/packing lists have been printed, what more can i do?

      At present we can't find any way of updating the payment status. If someone could explain the process for use with a PSP that would be amazing.



        Basically, when you are ready to ship, do whatever steps are necessary in your PSP admin panel to actually take the payment (in PROTX, you highlight the transaction and perform a 'repeat' ).

        In Actinic, highlight the order, double click it, or right click and select view order, click on the progress and payments tab. Click the view payment button. Click new payment, and add the details of the payment you just completed on the PSP.
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          Thats sorted it.

          Thanks for your help Bill


