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Actinic just too chunky?

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    Actinic just too chunky?

    Hi folks,

    We've been using Actinic for a number of years but are thinking of moving away from it as it's too "bulky" for what we need. Currently it is a standalone basket which isn't integrated into the customer's "journey" on our site. We have a very simple system....

    - Three packages (which they choose from before going to Actinic to pay)
    - About 4-5 additional extras (component) which differ for each product.

    Depending on what component they pick, they need to supply some additional info for that component.

    Currently it takes customer 9 pages to get to the "Invoice Address" page.

    The steps are:

    1) Select package (on our own system)
    2) Selection confirmed (+ link to Actinic shopping cart)
    3) Front page of Actinic
    4) Select package Category
    5) Add to basket (+ and components)
    7) Confirm
    8) Go to check out
    9) Invoice Address page

    What we ideally want is after the customer has selected their package in (1),
    (2) above would Confirm package selected and ask if they want any components).
    (2.5) add extra info needed for component (only if a component is selected)
    (3) Invoice Address page (i.e bypass all the confirm and displaying order etc)

    On (3) above we'd like their contact details they have entered in (1) to pre-populate the form. Can this be done? (maybe using cookies?)

    Has anyone managed to integrate a very simple, streamline version of the Actinic basket into their system?

    Is any of this actually possible with Actinic?


    If that's all you want then you don't need actinic. Someone with a bit of programming knowledge could build you a simple system using PHP or similar for very little money.


    First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



      Hi Ralph,

      Can you please let me know your wesite URL?

