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Update/Refresh on different PC's

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    Update/Refresh on different PC's

    I sometimes work on my laptop in the lounge and sometimes on the desktop in the office.

    If I update a site from the laptop and then import the snapshot to my desktop, do a few changes, then run Update, it does a full site refresh.


    Supporting the environment. This post uses 100% recycled electrons.
    Bob Isaac
    Director/Web Admin
    Volvo Owners Club Ltd

    Actinic MS Business Version 8.5.2

    Maybe wrong but I think the software logs the time stamp against the local and remote copies - so you update on your laptop at 10.00am - copy the snapshot and install on the PC at 10.15am .. Actinic see's the new times and thinks it needs an update!

    Maybe someone else could clarify if that is the case or not?

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      Thanks. It's not doing an update, it's doing a full site refresh.

      Supporting the environment. This post uses 100% recycled electrons.
      Bob Isaac
      Director/Web Admin
      Volvo Owners Club Ltd

      Actinic MS Business Version 8.5.2


        Are both machines on the same patch version?

        SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


          You were close enough the first time jont. Bob - its an update, but the datetime stamp of EVERY file is different, so you see it as a refresh.

          Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
          BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
          Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
          VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
          Located: Alexandria, EGYPT


            Maybe the glass of wine is fuzzing my grey matter, but if I do an update on one machine, create a snapshot, then later import that into my Actinic on the other machine, make a few small changes and click the 'Update' button, surely it should 'update' and not fully refresh??

            Both boxes have identical Actinic installations.

            Supporting the environment. This post uses 100% recycled electrons.
            Bob Isaac
            Director/Web Admin
            Volvo Owners Club Ltd

            Actinic MS Business Version 8.5.2


              No, because as jont said the file creation date time stamps are newer on the imported snapshot, than on the website. Since every file is newer, every file is 'updated'.

              Try doing an update to the web, create a snapshot - import it on the other machine, don't change a thing, now do an update from the second machine.
              Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
              BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
              Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
              VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
              Located: Alexandria, EGYPT


                Interesting, I will do this on the 'morrow. Will let you know.

                Supporting the environment. This post uses 100% recycled electrons.
                Bob Isaac
                Director/Web Admin
                Volvo Owners Club Ltd

                Actinic MS Business Version 8.5.2


                  We have the same symptons using Actinic Multi-user. Any can amend the site, as long as they are logged in as administrator, but we always have to initiate update from the same machine or it refreshes (6-8 hours so not a mistake we want to make).

                  Not a solution I'm afraid but it potentially eliminates the possibility of your problem being due to using a snapshot.

                  When multi-user was installed we mentioned this problem but were not given a solution.
                  Mike Julien



                    It is really not a problem. Actinic have explained, emphasised and explained again that site upload should be restricted to one machine. They even put tickboxes in the product so you can set your secondary machine(s) as not allowed to update website.
                    Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
                    BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
                    Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
                    VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
                    Located: Alexandria, EGYPT


                      Actinic appears to check for file changes using the created date not the modified date. When extracting a file from a zip archive the modified date is usually preserved but the creation date changes.


                        Thanks folks for your explanations, I've got my head 'round it now. This would not happen with a PHP/MySQL version ;-)

                        Supporting the environment. This post uses 100% recycled electrons.
                        Bob Isaac
                        Director/Web Admin
                        Volvo Owners Club Ltd

                        Actinic MS Business Version 8.5.2

