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bestseller theme examples

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    bestseller theme examples

    Anyone out there actually using the bestseller theme?

    I am redesigning, and trying to decide between bestseller and smart themes.
    My current (old) layout is a heavily customised non css design, so is difficult to simply drop straight into a new theme and see the effect.

    Nearly everywhere I look, people seem to have gone for the smart theme.
    The smart (no pun intended) money says 'if they are all using it, there has got to be a damn good reason', but I hate to follow trends (although its obviously a well designed template), and would really like to see some examples of finished sites using the bestseller theme.

    So if anyone is happy with their site, and is using bestseller (or customised bestseller), and is happy for me (and anyone else!!) to take a look, please lets have the URL.


    Not wanting to hijack this thread it would be a useful marketing tool if Actinic displayed a "best of breed" list for sites using standard themes so users could see them in the real world - not modified but straight out of the box.

    If anyone has any best seller sites for Martin please post.....

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      Thats a good idea Jont, although I have to say I'd be quite happy to see modified templates as well, to see whats achievable with a bit of imagination.

      After 3 1/2 years online trading with Actinic, this redisign is making me feel like I'm starting all over - so many questions, so many ideas - and I've now got to try and remember all the mods I initially made (I did make notes at the time, but have no idea where I put them ).

      Have been trawling through the boards trying to find the bit where Act 7 was first launched, and all the questions that were raised then, but its a daunting task.
      One thing I do remember being raised at the time, was the perfomance hit created by the store sections sidebars being created by js vs hardcoding of the links (as I do at the moment). Any up-to-date views on this?



        I always rip out the JS in favour of handcoding (there are many hotly debated threads about this) - harder to maintain but allows me greater flexability

        SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes




            Thanks Charles

            What I see in your site, is the seed of what I have in mind - a nice clean unfussy look.

            Page times were a bit slow, but maybe just the time of day


