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Changing the price field

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    Changing the price field

    Hello fellow Actinic users,

    I have a small technical question about the prices.
    In Actinic the prices are entered without tax, and invoiced Tax included but sometimes it does not work very well because instead of invoicing correct Tax inclusives prices such as XXX.00 it invoices XXX.01 or XXY.99 (with Y being X-1).

    For example I have a product worth 571.00 euro Taxes Included. When I put its Taxes Ecluded price in Actinic (477.42 Euro) the invoiced price is 570.99 euro.
    The solution would be to be able to put more than 2 numbers after the dot (477.4247 Euro). Unfortunately when I put 477.4247 in the price field it is cut to 477.42. I think it's due to the fact that in the mdb file the price is put in eurocents 47742 and divided by 100 to get prices in euro, so the number of figures after the dot has to be fixed to two

    So I see no easy way to solve this problem.

    Has someone solved this problem ?

    Best Regards

    User of Actinic since V3 and living on the French riviera

    This has been covered many times - try a search on "tax rounding" including

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      Thanks (I did not know how you called that in english so it was hard to make a search )
      User of Actinic since V3 and living on the French riviera

