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Offline Ordering

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    Offline Ordering

    Just wondering how to set things up efficiently for when a customer wishes to place an order by telephone.

    Is there a way to set Actinic up so that all items can be added on the one page by a staff member as they are taking the order. Or are we going to have to go to each product individually.

    Can orders be entered into Actinic Offline at all?

    I'd be interested to hear how you all process these kind of when a customer has found your site but prefers to order offline - especially where multiple products are involved.

    I've not used it yet so I maybe way out here..
    Under your "Orders" tab theres a button "New order" try working your way through that wizard, looks right to me.
    I think "enable offline ordering" must be ticking in "business settings/order processing"
    Let me know if it works, I'll need it.


      The "New order" button works well here, much better than having to go through our on-line shop and enter all details sent to us by post that way.

      "Offline order processing" must be ticked, yes.

