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Contact Us - Error

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    Contact Us - Error

    I'm evaluating Actinic and, although everything else I've tried so far is working fine, the menu item "Contact Us" returns and error:- "Unspecified ShopID".

    I've asked support about this but didn't get a solution. It was suggested that a valid email server address be entered in the network settings but this was already set - I checked it again, of course.

    Any ideas please?

    From what you're saying I presume you have run a Test on the network settings - did you receive the test email through ok from the Test?


      Contact Us

      I'm using the Actinic trial server and the Test button under network settings is greyed out so I can't run a test.



        The issue you are facing I think is that the Shop ID is not being passed in the URL, this is 'Free Trial' specific. Am checking to see if there is a workaround for you. Will update.

        Kind regards,
        Bruce King



          Afraid this is a bug that is specific to the 'Free Trial' version of the software. This is because the link is not generated correctly for the static page. Go to your trial shop and hover over the Checkout link and the Contact Us link and check the URL in the status bar, the text '&SHOP=trlshopXXXXX' is missing from the Contact Us link.

          This does not happen on the full version of the software. I am sure other users can tell you that.

          Kind regards,
          Bruce King


            Thanks Bruce. Can I add the code manually so I can check it out and, if so, where please?


              Right at the end of the existing URL you have for the Contact Us. Add in the '&SHOP=trlshopXXXXX' replacing the X's for your shop ID. You can just do this in the browser itself to see what happens.

              Kind regards,
              Bruce King


                Tried that and got the error:-
                Error: Shop not found in host data file.

                Oops, sorry, that's a lower case L not a lowercase I.

                Yes, works fine from there, thanks very much.

