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Authorising Card Payments

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    Authorising Card Payments

    I have Actinic V7 with HSBC Secure E payments. When customers make a purchese their cards are pre authorised. When the goods are shipped the payment is shown as recieved, however no payment is recieved, HSBc still show the sale as waiting to be shipped. Have i missed something obvious? Also when i make a telephone sale and enter the card details into the payments section should payment then be automatically be taken using the actinic software? Many thanks in advance

    The only connection between your site and the HSBC system is at the actual time an order is placed by the customer, i.e. taken from your site to the HSBC payment page to take receipt of the card details and to process the payment then.

    Administrative changes you conduct in HSBC on completing payments, and vise versa actions you conduct in Actinic on a payment for an order are not then transfered to the other side, i.e. HSBC to Actinic or Actinic to HSBC, with these things all manual actions in there respective applications and admin panels.

