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configure website details

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    configure website details

    help my head aches!!!

    when clicking on configure website details it askes me about my http proxy settings/ftp proxy settings. what might these be im totally lost. if i leave the none button clicked it say unable to establish an internet conection.

    please can some one help im going insane.

    This is normally provided by your ISP, ie. the company you connect to the internet through, so if this is needed and your internet connection was set up via them (auto installation) then assign it to use the same settings as Windows, which should work if you are using a proxy and they set it up on installation.


      as far as im aware and have been told, im not using a proxy server. does this meen i cant upload actinic.


        No not at all.

        Some ISPs use proxies for certain services, so you use them when needed, but if the upload or configure is not working with or without proxy information, then it could be one or more of a number of different issues.

        Best idea would be to speak with your hosting provider to start with, to ascertain correct network settings for your Actinic with them and your hosting account and then build from there to either isolate the issue in your settings or system and proceed up from there.

