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Problem with images in online store

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    Problem with images in online store

    Hi, I am using the trial version of Actinic 7, I am trying to add an image to the product page, but each time I do it is duplicated and the image is added not just to one specific product but to all of them! Help please!

    That's weird. The only way to do that would be to manually add some HTML to the Product Template or to change the default product image in Design / Options / Shop Defaults.

    Can you describe in detail what you're doing?

    If you have a live demo site the URL would be useful.
    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


      Reply to Norman

      Hi Norman, I`ve been getting the Product Details info up then going to `Design`, then going to `Options` and `Default product image` ... couldn`t see where to add the image on the `Product details` page ...could you tell me how to add a product image please? Thanks, Sue.


        Ok that's a single default image you're adding and isn't what you want. You may want to change this back to either an empty field or invisible_image.gif.

        Then for each Product just click it in the Content Tree and the you should see Product Details in the right hand side of the window. Select the General tab and the image entry is down near the bottom of that tab-sheet. You may have to scroll down this tab sheet to see it.
        Norman -
        Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


          PS The main Content widdow is split up into several areas, delimited with thick borders.

          If you place the mouse on these borders you can drag them around to suit your screen size.
          Norman -
          Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


            Many thanks, Norman

