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Duplicate product errors

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    Duplicate product errors

    Good Morning,
    I have business 7 v5.
    Last night, or actually early this morning, i was completing work an a section that contained mostly duplicate products. When i opened the product sections i found the duplicate products all deleted with a red cross. (i had not deleted)

    I tried to undelete them, reset them from their original products, but nothing worked.There appeared to be no relationship between them and their original product. After a long panic i compacted the database, reopened actinic and everything seemed ok again.

    So my questions are:
    What caused this to happen?
    Is it a sign of something else that may be wrong or about to go wrong?

    Thank you.
    Cakes Cookies and Crafts Shop
    Cookie Cutters
    Cake Decorating Supplies
    Chocolate Making Equipment

    Do you have a lot of deleted products that have not been purged? There have been several issues when this causes the database to act up and compacting seems to resolve.

    If you copy to the same snapshot upon closing I would recommend creating a new temporary file and keeping the previous version for a few days at least just in case you need to re-install. (the snapshots from last week are woking fine)

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes



      Thank you for your answer Jonty.

      I don't have any items that are deleted and un-purged, i try to keep the whole thing as clean as possible.

      As for back ups, i do snapshots to a new file on a memory stick daily, as well as a weekly one and database backup to a different internal hard drive on a weekly basis.

      Must be just another of those strange occurences
      Cakes Cookies and Crafts Shop
      Cookie Cutters
      Cake Decorating Supplies
      Chocolate Making Equipment


        Hi there

        When a large volume of data changes are made to the database it may dump the data into free spaces available which may result in some unusual behaviour. It is always helpful if you compact the database on a regualr basis like once a week or once in two weeks as it will help with keeping the DB trim and prevent such strange occurances..

        I hope this helps.

        Dhivya Malani

