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Remove/Adjust Items at Checkout

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    Remove/Adjust Items at Checkout

    Had a few ideas to this but none are really quite what I need. So re-posting in hope.

    Well known shortcoming of Actinic (which is otherwise superb) is that customers cannot adjust choices in cart once they've gone to checkout. Does anyone know of a work round to offer a 'view cart' link from the first checkout page so they can go back and adjust qty/remove items.

    My hosting webstats indicate alot of page exits from cart. I think this could be the problem.

    Thanks. - quality children's clothes

    I hardcode a link to the "view cart" in the Act_PrimaryCheckout.html so it is visible all the way through the checkout (and the other primary templates when in the store also)

    Dumped carts are due to a whole host of reasons... confusion, change of mind, sudden unexpected carriage charges etc etc.... not going to be one specific thing. May be worth putting a FAQ link into the checkout pages and cover all the possible questions that may cause someone to dump and run. People will not wait for an answer but if they can see it in an FAQ it may just convert the sale. My FAQ for the cart resulted in a 25% drop in abandoned carts so well worth the effort of writing one IMHO

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

